Monday, April 25, 2022

The Seven Steps for Interview Success Page 31

The Importance of Thank-You Notes

When used properly, thank-you notes can help you create a positive impression with employers that more formal correspondence often cannot.

When to Send Thank-You Notes-and Why

1. Before an interview: You can send a less formal note before an interview, usually by email, simply thanking someone for being willing to see you. This note also serves as a way to confirm the date and time of the scheduled interview.

2. After an interview: The best time to send a thank-you note is right after an interview, or at least within 24 hours. Doing so creates a positive impression and keeps you at the forefront of the employer's mind (hopefully ahead of the other candidates). It also gives you a chance to get in the last word-to include a subtle reminder of why you are the best candidate for the job. The following is an example of such a note.

August 11, 20XX

Dear Mr. O'Beel,

Thank you for the opportunity to interview for the position available in your production department. I want you to know that this is the sort of job I have been looking for, and I am enthusiastic about the possibility of working for you.

Now that we have spoken, I know that I have both the experience and skills to fit nicely into your organization and to be productive quickly. The process improvements I implemented at Logistics, Inc., increased their productivity by 34%, and I am confident that I could do the same for you.

Thanks again for the interview; I enjoyed the visit.

Sara Smith

(505) 665-0090

3. Whenever anyone helps you in your job search: Send a thank-you email or note to anyone who helps you during your job search. This group of people includes those who give you referrals, people who provide advice, or those who are supportive during your search. You never know when you will need their help again in the future. The following shows an example of this type of note.

October 31, 20XX
2234 Riverbed Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 17963
Ms. Helen A. Colcord
Henderson and Associates, Inc.
1801 Washington Blvd., Suite 1201
Philadelphia, PA 17963

Dear Ms. Colcord,

Thank you for sharing your time with me so generously yesterday. I really appreciated talking to you about your career field.

The information you shared with me increased my desire to work in such an area. Your advice has already proven helpful-I have an appointment to meet with Robert Hopper on Friday.

In case you think of someone else who might need a person like me. I am enclosing another resume and JIST card.

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