Friday, April 8, 2022

Pathway - 24. What Will Your Placement Pathway Be and Why?

See example below on how to complete the assignment "24. What Will Your Placement Pathway Be and Why?".

Note: Always start the sentence with a capital letter and end with a period. Always make sure your spelling and punctuations are correct before submitting. It is also important to use proper English when writing long sentences. For example use "cannot" instead of "can't", "do not" instead of "don't", "will not" instead of "won't" etc.

Do not use one letter to present the actual word. For example instead of using "u" write our the entire word "you" and instead of using "r" write out the word "are". Any assignment that has these errors or similar will have to be redone.

Do not copy the answer below, instead write your own answer. Copying the answer below will result in a zero and a minor infraction.

1. What placement pathway have you selected?

College and/or ACT

2. Why have you selected this placement pathway?

I selected this placement pathway because I want earn a Bachelor degree in IT so once I am done with college, I can work in various different IT field. A college degree can give me more choice on what I want to do than a certification. Someday I want to use my degree to become a manager of the IT department in an organization I am working for. 

3. Enter your SMART goal regarding this placement pathway.

S - I want to become an IT professional working on the network infrastructure

M - I will achieve this by first getting my high school diploma within 6 months and moving on to getting into my business administration trade and complete the trade within 8 months. After I have completed my trade, I am planning to go to GRCC to complete my Associate degree, so I will find out how to fill out the GRCC college admission application and get in to GRCC to complete my associate degree within 2 years. After completing the Associate degree at Grand Rapids Community College, I will transfer to a four years university to complete my Bachelor's degree. 

A - I believe this is attainable because I am passionate about technology and I have more than 5 years of experience in the technology industry. I can build computer, troubleshoot, build  a network and create website so I believe that this is career path is achievable for me.

R - This goal is realistic for me because I have done some research on several different career path, and I found that technology is my number one choice. I on top of that I also have experience in it as well which makes it perfect for me to go into this field.

T - The time it would take for me to complete everything including my associate degree, would be in 3 years time.

4. Who do you think will be able to help you achieve your goal? What skills and tools do you have that will help you achieve your goal?

I believe my counselor and trade instructor will be able to help me achieve this goal. The skills that I have is being able to build, operating and maintain computer systems and network, and the tools I need is some technology like a laptop, desktop, networking equipment and a lab where I can focus on my study.

5. What difficulties do you think you will face in trying to achieve this goal? How will you overcome them?

The difficulties I will face in trying to achieve this goal is motivation and encouragement. Sometime I need other people to motivate and encourage me to do better because sometime I can feel like a total failure if I tried something for a few times and it did not work out the way I had planned.

I am planning to overcome these challenges by making friends, communicate with my counselor and instructors regularly and make sure to ask questions when I needed help. 


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