Monday, May 2, 2022

The Seven Steps for Interview Success Page 35

Farr's Four Rules of Salary Negotiation

Here are four basic rules of salary negotiation that you should keep in mind.

Rule #1: Never talk money until after an employer decides he or she wants you.

Early in the hiring process, many employers want  to know how much you expect to be paid so they can screen out those applicants whose salary expectations are too high. So always defer the question until it's part of an offer.

If the topic of salary comes up before a job offer is made, avoid discussing any specific dollar amounts. Instead try one of the following tactics:

  • "I am very interested in the position, and my salary would be negotiable."
  • "Tell me what you have in mind for the salary range."
  • "I am interested in the job and would consider any reasonable offer you might take."

With a bit of luck, stall tactics such as these will get the employer t tell you the salary range without you having to commit to anything.

Rule #2: Know in advance the probable salary range.

Approaching an interview without being prepared for discussions of pay is not wise. Although you will have to do a bit of research, knowing what an employer is likely to pay is essential in salary negotiations.

The trick is to think in terms of a wide range in salary, rather than a particular number. Find out the general range that jobs of this sort are likely to pay in your area by asking those who work in similar jobs, finding the information online, or visiting the library.

Salary Information Resources

In order to determine the salary you are willing to accept, investigate the salary range someone with your skills and experience can expect to receive. The following Web sites can help you, as can your personal network, local librarian, and local job search centers.

Abbott, Langer & Associates ( This site contains, current statistics for more than 450 benchmark jobs and from more than 8,000 participating organizations.

JobStar Salary Information ( Provides 300 links to general and profession-specific salary surveys. Take some time to explore salary negotiation strategies and test your own salary IQ. 

Salary Expert ( Find free regional salary reports by selecting your job title and then your ZIP code or city.

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