Friday, April 22, 2022

Blogger menu explanation

1. Posts - This is where you can create new post that will display on your front page. Most recent post will be on the top and older posts will move down depending on how old they are.

2. Stats - This option allow you to see your website traffic, so you know how many visitors you are getting per day for each of your pages.

3. Comments - This option, lets you view the comment your visitor posted on your website while reading your post. 

4. Earning - This option is only used when your website reaches an acceptable amount of traffic that will allow you to start earning revenue. All of your earning information will be under this option.

5. Pages - This option lets you create a page without posting it to the home page of your website. After creating a page, you can copy the link and place it anywhere for people to access. Remember page cannot be search by a search engine, so use Post as much as you can and only use page to store a collection of post that are related to each other.

6. Layout - This option lets you change the layout of your website and lets you add extra features to your website such as gadgets, maps, chat etc. so your visitor can interact with your website.

7. Theme - This option lets you change the theme on your website to something else, or you can use this option to edit and remove or add new things to the theme if you know how to write HTML.

8. Setting - This option lets you set things like number of post to display on the home page, buy domain name, etc. 


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