Friday, April 22, 2022

The Seven Steps for Interview Success Page 27

Overqualified/Too Much Experience

It does not make sense that you could have too much experience, but some employers may think so. They fear you will not be satisfied with the job that is available and will soon leave for a better one.

Go out of your way to assure the interviewer that you are not a job hopper. Maintain high enthusiasm for the organization's future, and present ways you could grow in this position. Suggest how you could solve long-term problems, build profit, and use your experience to help out in other ways.

"Too Young"

Younger people needs to present their youth as an asset rather than a liability. Often young people are willing to work for less money, accept less desirable tasks, work longer or less convenient hours, or do other things that a more experienced worker might not want to do. If this is true, you should say so in the interview. Emphasize the time and dedication you put into school projects. Above all, conduct yourself with maturity and show some enthusiasm and energy.

Another advantage that many younger people have is being more comfortable with newer technology than their elders. This important advantage helps many younger workers gain an edge over their older, but less tech-savvy competitors.

New Graduate/Not Enough Experience

If this is your first real job, be sure to stress any technical expertise you have acquired in school and emphasize the adaptive skills you identified in Step 2 that would help you overcome a lack of experience. Also remember to treat any coursework directly related to the job your interviewing for as "work experience," especially if it involved hands-on training or internships.

Issues Related to Women

Despite the great progress women have made in most career fields, some employers and some career areas still present barriers to them. According to a survey conducted by the Society of Human Resource Management, some employers still have concerns about working mothers, the acceptance of women in non-traditional roles, and the "glass ceiling" that seems to prevent women from achieving the highest levels of management.

Quick Tip

New graduates should note that small employers are where the action is. The Endicott Report from Northwestern University found that small to mid-sized companies tend to be the most active recruiters. Smaller organizations are often more open to letting you take on new project and directions, which can lead to more rapid advancement as well.

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