Friday, April 8, 2022

Program - 25. What Job Corps Career Technical Training Programs Would Be a Great First Step on Your Path?

See example below on how to complete the assignment "25. What Job Corps Career Technical Training Programs Would Be a Great First Step on Your Path?".

Note: Always start the sentence with a capital letter and end with a period. Always make sure your spelling and punctuations are correct before submitting. It is also important to use proper English when writing long sentences. For example use "cannot" instead of "can't", "do not" instead of "don't", "will not" instead of "won't" etc.

Do not use one letter to present the actual word. For example instead of using "u" write our the entire word "you" and instead of using "r" write out the word "are". Any assignment that has these errors or similar will have to be redone.

Do not copy the answer below, instead write your own answer. Copying the answer below will result in a zero and a minor infraction.

1. Is your ultimate occupation a Job Training Match with any Job Corps' Career Technical Training Programs?

Yes my ultimate occupation is a Job Training Match with Iowa Job Corps Center Technical Training Program.

2. If you answered "Yes" to question 1, please copy and paste the Training Program Areas for your occupation into this field. (If you answered "No," please type "N/A.")

Plan, direct, or coordinate, usually through subordinate supervisory personnel, activities concerned with the construction and maintenance of structures, facilities, and systems. Participate in the conceptual development of a construction project and oversee its organization, scheduling, budgeting, and implementation. Includes managers in specialized construction fields, such as carpentry or plumbing.

Plan, schedule, or coordinate construction project activities to meet deadlines.
Prepare and submit budget estimates, progress reports, or cost tracking reports.
Interpret and explain plans and contract terms to representatives of the owner or developer, including administrative staff, workers, or clients.

3. Click on the occupation you selected as an Entry-level Job related to your career. Is that occupation a Job Training Match with one of Job Corp's Career Technical Training programs?


4. If you answered "Yes" to question 3, please copy and paste the Training Program Areas for your occupation into this field. (If you answered "No," please type "N/A.")

OCT-Only Renewable Resources & Energy • Landscaping • Landscaping (HBI) • Petroleum Technician • Urban Forestry

5. Look at the related occupations at various educational levels for your ultimate occupation. Are any of them Job Training Matches?


6. If you answered "Yes" to question 5, click on the related occupation that is a JTM. Please copy and paste the Training Program Areas for your occupation into this field. (If you answered "No," please type "N/A.")


7. Please paste in the Industry Area(s) of your ultimate career:

Construction • Finance and Business • Renewable Resources and Energy

8. Look at your center profile. Copy and paste in the name of any Career Technical Training Program Areas that are in that same Industry Area. (If none are, please type "N/A.")

OCT-Only Renewable Resources & Energy • Landscaping • Landscaping (HBI) • Petroleum Technician • Urban Forestry

9. Based on all of the above, which Job Corps Career Technical Training Program Area(s) offered at your center would you most like to shadow?

Building Construction Technology, Business Administration, Medical Administrative Assistant.

10. Explain why this Career Technical Training Program Area(s) choice is the best for your career path.

This Career Technical Training Program Areas choice is best for my career path because I like to learn things my doing rather than reading from book. I am a visual learner. I have to watch other people do something and try to do the same in order to retain what I have learned.

I also have a passion for building things using different material that is why I believe this will be a good career choice for me.  


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