Monday, April 11, 2022

Men/Women/Asian History Month

Search on the internet for a famous person and create a power point presentation about the person you chose. Create at least 5 slides.

Slide #1 - Contain the title, your name, date etc.

Slide #2 - Contain the person name, and biography

Slide #3 - Contain information on what the person did to change history. If you are doing the Asian History Month, make sure you either write something about the person in the Asian country or write about the country as a whole.

Slide #4 - Contain information on how or why the person did what they did. If you are doing the Asian History Month, write about the culture of that country.

Slide #5 - Reference and Sources.

Submit the presentation in Google classroom.

This assignment is due on the third week (Wednesday) of CPP and cannot be accepted late without penalty because every student must be ready to present on the day it is due. Any student that did not complete this on time and be ready to present on the day it is due will automatically be given a minor infraction. 


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