Monday, April 25, 2022

The Seven Steps for Interview Success Page 32

Seven Quick Tips for Writing Thank-You Notes

Use these tips to help you write your thank-you notes:

1. Decide whether to use email or regular mail. Use email to get a letter out quickly. Use regular mail if there's no rush and if you sense that the other person would appreciate the formality of a nice business letter. Of course, its probably won't hurt to do both.

2. Use quality paper envelopes. Most stationery stores have thank-you note cards and envelopes in a variety of styles. A blank card or simple "Thank You" on the front will do.

3. Handwritten or computer-printed is acceptable. If your handwriting is good, writing them is perfectly acceptable and can be a nice touch. If not, they can be word-processed.

4. Use a formal salutation. Unless you have already met the person you are writing to and are on a first name basis, use "Dear Ms. Smith" or "Ms. Smith," rather than the less formal "Dear Pam."

5. Keep the note short and friendly. Remember, the note is a thank-you for what someone else did, not a hard-sell pitch for what you want. Make sure, though, to give a subtle, gentle reminder of your skills or other qualifications that are relevant to the job. As appropriate, be specific about when you will next contact the person.

6. Sign it. Avoid initials and make your signature legible (unless you are being hired for your creative talents, in which case a wacky-looking illegible signature could be a plus!).

7. Send it right away. Write and send your note no later than 24 hours after you make your contact while the details are fresh in your mind.

Quick Tip

If you send a formal letter or thank-you note as an email attachment, make sure it is in a universal format such as Microsoft Word, Word-Perfect, Rich Text, Adobe PDF, or HTML. Always mention the format in your email message as well.

Always send a note or email after an interview even if it did not go well. It can't hurt (unless, of course, it's full of typos or calls the interviewer names)

More Sample Thank-You Notes

Following are two more samples of thank-you notes to help you structure your own. Notice that they are short and friendly and typically mention that the writer will follow up in the future-a key element of a successful job search campaign.

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