Friday, April 22, 2022

The Seven Steps for Interview Success Page 21

23. What kind of boss do you prefer?

24. Can you take instructions without feeling upset?

25. How did previous employers treat you?

26. What you have learned from some of the jobs you have held?

27. What interests you about your product or service?

28. What was your record in military service?

29. Did you ever change your major field of interest? Why?

30. Give me an example of when you did the best work you were capable of.

31. What do you know about opportunities in the field in which you are trained?

32. How long do you expect to work?

33. Have you ever had any difficulty getting along with fellow students and faculty? Fellow workers?

34. What was most difficult about school or your last job?

35. What size city do you prefer?

36. How do you usually spend your weekend?

37. Have you had any serious illness or injury?

38. Are you willing to go where the company sends you?

39. What job in our company would you choose if you were entirely free to do so?

40. Is it an effort for you to be tolerant of persons with a background and interests different from you?

41. What types of books do you read?

42. Do you have plans for further education?

43. What types of people seem to rub you the wrong way?

44. What jobs have you enjoyed the most? The least? Why?

45. Where are your own special ability?

46. Would you prefer a large or a small company? Why?

47. What is your idea of how industry operates today?

48. How do you feel about overtime work?

49. What are the disadvantages of your chosen field?

50. What have you done that shows initiative and willingness to work?

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