Thursday, April 7, 2022

Pathway - 16. Is There Only One "Right" Path to Your Goal?

See example below on how to complete the assignment "Pathway - 16. Is There Only One "Right" Path to Your Goal?".

Note: Always start the sentence with a capital letter and end with a period. Always make sure your spelling and punctuations are correct before submitting. It is also important to use proper English when writing long sentences. For example use "cannot" instead of "can't", "do not" instead of "don't", "will not" instead of "won't" etc.

Do not use one letter to present the actual word. For example instead of using "u" write our the entire word "you" and instead of using "r" write out the word "are". Any assignment that has these errors or similar will have to be redone.

Do not copy the answer below, instead write your own answer. Copying the answer below will result in a zero and a minor infraction.

1. What is a positive reason why someone might choose to go down the path of Advanced Training to get to their goal?

A positive reason why someone might choose to go down the path of Advanced Training to get to their goal is because in Advanced Training the student gets to learn more in depth about their career and gain the knowledge perform more complex tasks. Another reason for going into Advanced Training is because one can also earn more money throughout their life time.

2. What is a positive reason why someone might choose to go down the college path to get to their goal?

A positive reason why someone might choose to go down the college path to get to their goal is because higher education will allow one to go beyond high school general education and allow one to get the hands on experience they need to succeed in the world. Higher education also means more money throughout their entire career because they can easily be promoted to management within their industry depending on the amount of education they went for.

3. What is a positive reason why someone might choose to go down an apprenticeship path to get to their goal?

A positive reason why someone might choose to go down an apprenticeship path to get to their goal is because apprenticeship allows a student to gain experience in the field while getting paid for the work they do. 

4. What is a positive reason why someone might choose to go down an Armed Services path to get to their goal?

A positive reason why someone might choose to go down an Armed Services path to get to their goal is because in the Armed Service, a person gets to earn money and experience while in training and if a person wants to go to college, the Armed Services will most likely pay for their schooling.

5. What is a positive reason why someone might choose to go down an entry-level job path to get to their goal?

A positive reason why someone might choose to go down an entry-level job path to get to their goal is because entry-level job is similar to an apprenticeship but instead of getting paid to do a specific role within a company like an apprenticeship program, a person in an entry-level job has a broader range of role within a company, meaning they can work on many different jobs versus being in an apprenticeship, where one can only do one job while they go to school to get certified in that specific role.


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