Friday, April 22, 2022

The Seven Steps for Interview Success Page 26

If you have a serious problem in your background, avoid careers and jobs where your past would be an issue or use job search method that are less likely to require this information as part of the screening process

Sensitive Questions About Your Personal Situation

Because many people consider the issues in this section-such as age, race, and gender-inappropriate for an employer to consider when making a decision to hire, employers are much more likely to use indirect questions regarding these concerns.

Most employers will hire someone who convinces them that he or she can do the job well. Your handling of the interview can assure the interviewer that you do not fit a stereotype. But in order to prevent misconceptions, it is helpful to know what these stereotypes might be and address them.

"Too Old"

Older workers-particularly those over 50-have a harder time finding new jobs in the labor market, despite their often high qualifications. This group includes a lot of workers who have lost jobs due to layoffs, downsizing, and other reasons not related to performance.

Employers may be concerned that older workers have not kept up with their skills or with the latest technology, or that older workers will expect better pay and are more likely to leave the job for a better offer.

The key to confronting these concerns is to present your wealth of experience and maturity as an advantage rather than a disadvantage. Emphasize your loyalty to previous employers, and highlight accomplishments that occurred over a period of time. Confront the issue of compensation by employers how you will increase profits or save the company money in the long run.

Quick Tip

Competition for high paying jobs is intense. Unemployment statistics indicate that the more you make, the longer your job search is likely to be. A rule of thumb is that it takes one month per $10,000 in annual pay to find a new job. If you make $50,000 a year, plan on it taking five months to find a replacement job at that level of income.

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