Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Seven Steps for Interview Success Page 1

The best way to prepare for an interview is to research the organization and the job, get a good handle on your qualifications and experience, and carefully consider your responses to the tough questions that might come up. This article is organized around seven steps that will help you do all of those things.

1. Learn the Basics and Make a Positive Impression
2. Know Who you Are and What You Can Do
3. Do Your Homework and Come Prepared
4. Answer Key Interview Questions with Ease
5. Handle Tough Interview Situations with Confidence
6. Follow Up
7. Negotiate Your Way to a Fair Salary

Take the time to read the information and complete the worksheets for each of the seven steps above. When you have finished, you will have the skills and knowledge you need to impress your interviewer and land your next job.

Step 1: Learn the Basics and Make a Positive Impression

The interview is the most important 60 minutes in the job search. Yet research indicate that most people are not well-prepared for the interview process. This can be good news for you, because reading this book can help  you improve your interviewing skills and give you an advantage over the majority of job seekers.

Although the interview itself is an incredibly complex interaction, I have found that their are simple things you can do that make a big difference in getting a job offer. This first step give you the most essential information you need to know to succeed in your interview.

Eight Keys to Interview Success

Few job seekers have a clear sense of what they need to accomplish in an interview. What follows will help you get a quick understanding of the most important things to do in these critical minutes.

1. Make a Positive Impression

Employers rarely hire someone who makes a negative impression. These tips can help you make a positive one before, during, and after your interview.

Before the Interview

There are three ways an interviewer may form an impression of you before meeting you face-to-face:

The interviewer already knows you. An employer may know you from previous contacts or from someone else's description. In this situation, you should acknowledge that relationship, but treat the interview in all other respects as a business meeting.

You have contacted the interviewer through e-mail or by phone. Both kinds of contact vie an impression of your communication skills and ability to present yourself in a competent way. You should also call the day before the interview to verify the time of your meeting and get any directions you need. This is just another way to demonstrate your attention to detail and shows the importance you place on the interview.

The interviewer has read your resume and other materials. Prior to most interviews, you provide the employer with information that creates an impression. Sending a note, letter, or e-mail beforehand often creates the impression that you are well-organized. Applications, resumes, and other correspondence sent or e-mailed in advance help interviewers knows more about you and also contribute to their impression of you.

Quick Tip: Receptionists and other staff you have contact with will mention their observations of you to the interviewer, so be professional and courteous at all times.

The Day of the Interview

To make a good impression on interview day, use these tips?

Get there on time. Ask for directions from the receptionist to be sure you know how to get to the interview. Plan on arriving for the interview 5 to 10 minutes early, allowing time for traffic and other problems.

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