Thursday, April 14, 2022

Things to remember in MyPACE

1. Make sure to always capitalize the first letter in every sentence.

2. Make sure to check spelling, grammar and sentence structure to make sure they are correct before submitting.

3. Always write in complete sentences, by rewriting the question and adding it to your answer. (See example below)

Example: Why do you think this career is perfect for you?

Answer: I think this career is perfect for me because...

4. Never start a sentence with the word "because". Reason: It does not look professional.

5. Never use short letter in place of an actual word. For example u, r, ur, etc. Instead of using "u", spell out the entire word "you". Instead of using "r", write out the entire word "are" or instead of using "ur" say "you are"

6. Never use short words like can't, don't won't, I'll. Instead of using short words write it out the long way. For example:

Use "cannot" instead of "can't"

Use "will not" instead of "won't"

Use "I will" instead of "I'll"

6. ALWAYS Read the question completely before attempting to answer it, because if you miss read or did not read the question entirely, it can causes you to answer the question completely wrong.


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