Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Seven Steps for Interview Success Page 17

Question #7: "What Are Your Plans for the Future?"

This question explores whether you can be depended on to stay on at this job and work hard. As always, your best approach is an honest one; be prepared to answer the employer's concern in a direct and positive way. Which issues are of concern to an employer depend on the details of your background. For example:

  • Will you be happy with the salary? (If not, might you leave?)

  • Will you want to have a family? (If so, will you quit or cut your hours to raise children?)

  • Do you have a history of leaving jobs after a short period of time? (If so why won't you leave this one too?)

  • Have you just moved to the area or do you appear to be a temporary resident? (If so, you probably won't stay here long either, right?)

  • Are you overqualified? (If so, what will keep you from going to a better job as soon as you find one?)

Any of these factors, and many others, can be of concern to an employer. In all cases, try to assure the employer that this is precisely the organization you want to stay with, grow with, and do well with for many years to come.

Sample Answer

This response is from a younger person just entering a new career (the previous position mentioned just happens to be working in a fast food place):

"I realize I need to establish myself in this field and am eager to get started. I've though about what I want to do and am sure my skills are the right ones to succeed in this career. For example, I am good at dealing with people. In one position, I provided services to more than 1,000 different people a week. During the 18 months I was there, I served well over 72,000 customers and not once did I get a formal complaint. In fact, I was often complimented on the attention I gave them. There I learned that I enjoy public contact and am delighted at the idea of taking on this position for that reason. I want to learn more about the business and grow with it. As my value to the organization increases, I hope to be considered for more responsible position."

The employer want to know what you will stay on the job and work hard for your pay. This response address those concerns.

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