Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Profile - 2. What Is Career Planning

See example below on how to complete Profile assignment number two "Profile - 2. What Is Career Planning".

Note: Always start the sentence with a capital letter and end with a period. Always make sure your spelling and punctuations are correct before submitting. It is also important to use proper English when writing long sentences. For example use "cannot" instead of "can't", "do not" instead of "don't", "will not" instead of "won't" etc.

Do not use one letter to present the actual word. For example instead of using "u" write our the entire word "you" and instead of using "r" write out the word "are". Any assignment that has these errors or similar will have to be redone.

Do not copy the answer below, instead write your own answer. Copying the answer below will result in a zero and a minor infraction

1. Name three reasons why identifying a career path is better than conducting a job search.

1. Career path can help you figure out what you are passionate about

2. Career path helps to develop your skills in one industries while a job you have to learn everything all over again on your next job.

3. Having a career path allows you to move up in the industry while a job may or may not.

2. Please reflect on what worries or confuses you about this process (either using MyPACE, or career planning in general). 

What worries me about this process is that, I found out there are so many career pathways that I want to choose so I am not sure which one I should go with, and since there are many different pathways that required me to get a bachelor degree, I am just not really sure if I am able to go attend and finish college to get a bachelor degree.


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