Friday, April 1, 2022

The Seven Steps for Interview Success Page 6

As in this response, the key is to give examples where you have used the required skills in other settings. Step 4 shows you how to use the Three-Step Process to provide thorough answers to 10 of the most frequently asked questions.

The Prove-It Technique

Most interview questions are an attempt to discover underlying information. you can provide that information in an effective way by using the four-step Prove-It Technique:

1. Present a concrete example. People relate to and remember stories. Saying you have a skills is not nearly as powerful as describing a situation where you used that skill.

2. Quantify. Whenever possible, use numbers to provide as basis for what you did. For example, give the number of customers served, the percent you exceeded quotas, or the number of new accounts you generated.

3. Emphasize results. Providing some data regarding the positive results you obtained is important. For example, stating that profits went up 50 percent.

4. Link it up. Although the connection between your example and doing this job well may seem obvious to you, make sure it is clear to the employer.

The next step will help you identify your skills and give you the proof you need to convince an employer to hire you.

STEP 2: Know Who You Are and What You Can Do

According to one survey of employers, more than 90 percent of the people they interview cannot adequately define the skills they have that support their ability to do the job. This step is designed to help you beat that statistic.

Knowing what you are good at is an essential part of doing well in a job interview. likewise, unless you use the skills that you enjoy using and are good at, you are unlikely to be satisfied in your job.

Quick Tip: Be sure that your top skills are also reflected in your resume. Skill statements on a resume give employers a sense of what you have to offer their organization.

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