Friday, April 1, 2022

The Seven Steps for Interview Success Page 7

The Three Types of Skills

We all have hundreds of skills, but some will be more important to an employer than others. To help identify your skills, it can be useful to think of them in three major categories: adaptive skills, transferable skills, and job-related skills. The following worksheets and activities will help you identify your key skills. In addition to helping you interview for jobs that you will do well in, being able to communicate your skills can help you write resumes and conduct your job search.

The Skills Employers Want

This information comes from a study conducted jointly by the U.S. Department of Labor and the American Association of Counseling and Development. The study found that most of the skills employers want are either adaptive or transferable skills. There are the top skills employers identified:

1. Learning to learn.

2. Basic academic skills in reading, writing, and computation.

3. Good communication skills, including listening and speaking.

4. Creative thinking and problem solving.

5. Self-esteem, motivation, and goal setting.

6. Personal and career development skills.

7. Interpersonal/negotiation skills and teamwork

8. Organizational effectiveness and leadership

Always look for opportunities to develop and use these so-called soft skills in your work or to present them clearly in your next interview. Also let the employer know that you are not afraid to learning new skills and that you are confident in your abilities.

Identify Your Adaptive Skills

Adaptive skills are the skills you use every day to survive and function. Some of them could even be considered part of your basic personality. Such skills, which are highly valued by employers, including getting to work on time, honesty, enthusiasm, and getting along with others. To start identifying these skills, answer the question in the box.

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