Friday, March 25, 2022

The Seven Steps for Interview Success Page 4

The Call-Back Close

This interview-closing approach requires some courage, but it does work. Practice it a few times and use it in your early interviews to get more comfortable with it

1. Thank the interviewer by name. Don't forget to smile and shake his hand.

2. Express interest. Saying, "I am definitely interested in this position" shows your enthusiasm.

3. Mention your busy schedule. It helps to appear active and industrious.

4. Arrange a reason and a time to call back. Your goal is to leave a reason for you to get back in touch and to arrange for a specific day and time to do so. For example, say, "I'm sure I'll have questions. When would be the best time for me to get back with you?" Asking "When" does not easily allow a "no" response. Get a specific day and a best time to call.

5. Say good-bye

8. Follow Up After the Interview

Just because the actual interview ended doesn't mean you're done. Following up can make the difference between being unemployed or underemployed and getting the job you want fast. See Step 6 for more details on effective follow-up strategies.

The Three-Step Process for Answering Most Interview Questions

There are thousands of questions that you could be asked in an interview, and there is no way you can memorize a "correct" response for each one. because interviews are conversational and unpredictable, developing an approach to answering an interview question is far more important than memorizing a canned response. The following Three-Step Process can help you fashion an effective answer to most interview questions:

1. Understand what is really being asked. Most questions relate to your adaptive skills and personality, i.e. are you dependable, a good worker, or easy to get along with. Other questions really ask whether you have the experience and training to do the job.

2. Answer the question briefly in a non-damaging way. A good response to a question should acknowledge the facts of your situation and present them as an advantage rather than a disadvantage.

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