Career Preparation Period (CPP) Classwork and Material
COVID-19 Vaccine Certification, Authorizations, and Acknowledgements and Testing Consent
(The COVID-19 form above needs to be downloaded to your Chromebook and use the tool Small PDF Editor OR PDE Editor to complete). Once you have completed the form using the Small PDF Editor tool, you must download it back into your computer and submit it to the Google classroom.
Instructor: take student to property to get their uniform in their first week of CPP
Drivers Ed Survey - To be completed by student on the first week of class
Job Corps Student's Handbook Quiz
Mr. Madison - Daily Attendance
Ms. Townsel - Daily Attendance
CPP Assignments - (Make sure to document where you left off, to keep track of your progress)
8 Career Success Standards Study Tool
MyPace Resources | MyPACE Navigation & How To
Career Success Standards Sign Up Form - Click here to see what you've signed up for