Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Navigating MyPACE

When you first log on to MyPACE and accepted the term and condition, you will see a page that looks like the screenshot below.

If you look at the top, you will see Profile, Profession, Pathway, Program, and Plan. Everything must be completed in order and approved by your instructor before you can move on to the next category.

The order of completions are:


Each of the link in Box 2 will have some tasks under it that you will need to complete, including the resources assignment. When you click on one of the link, for example 1. What Makes a Great Job Great? You will see a list of tasks like the one shown in the picture below. Make sure to complete everything before clicking on the Complete button to submit it.

NOTE: Only use the red button if you need to save your session and continue later, just remember that this button will only save your assignment and will not submit it to your instructor. 

At the top of the page in MyPACE, you will noticed that there are several links. These include the home icon, MYCENTER, OCCUPATIONS, MESSAGES, ACCOUNT, and LOGOUT. Throughout your entire time working in MyPACE, the most common link you will be using at the top is the OCCUPATIONS and the links to the assignments, but everything else is just extra. In this lesson, I will be showing you how to use the OCCUPATIONS link to search for career and other information in order for you to complete your assignments.

Now click on the OCCUPATIONS link on the top left of the page and follow the instruction below to learn how to search for career, salary, Job Training Match, Advanced Training and more.

To search for an occupation, all you need to do is click on the occupations link, type in a career you want to search for and click the search button to list all of the career that is related to the keyword you are searching for. See example below.

You can also scroll down on the occupation search page and click the View Occupations button, to view all of the occupations related to the six trades we offered at the Gerald R. Ford Job Corps Center. I recommend using this button, instead of the search occupations, because you can filter out all the one that are not related to the six trades we offered.

The view occupations button also allows you to see all of the trades that has advanced training we offered at other Job Corps throughout the country. To find out if an occupation has advanced training, all you need to do is look through the list and find any occupations that has the link that says Job Training Match. Once you've clicked on the Job Training Match link, scroll down to the bottom of the page to locate the advanced training information. See example below.

Click on Advanced Training to find out different types of Advanced Training Job Corps offers for that particular career. See below for some examples of Advanced Training we offered for the Information Security Analysts career at Job Corps. 

From here, you can just click on the Learn more about this program, to learn more about the advanced training you want. Under this link, you can also download the program brochure, watch video to learn more about how the program works, and even get information on where the advanced training is being offered.


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