Monday, May 2, 2022

The Seven Steps for Interview Success Page 43

Email versus Phone Contact

Email offers a variety of advantages that a phone cannot. It's fast, free, and more convenient. You can attach files to it, such as resumes or JIST Cards, and can forward it to several people at once. Not to mention some employers prefer email because they can deal with it on their own schedule.

Email has drawbacks, however. It is easily dismissed or deleted, and emails with attachments are viewed with suspicion nowadays. Phone calls, on  the other hand, let you interact with employers in a more natural way and provide a more personal touch. Not to mention it is much harder for employers to say no to you on the phone when you are requesting an interview.

With all that in mind, you're better off using a combination of the two: emailing to reach more people faster and phone calls when you really want to make a connection and land an interview.

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