Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 4

7. What is your greatest weakness?

Why this question is being asked: In order to gain a better understanding of the "professional you". The interviewer doesn't want to hear just about what you do well but what you may do poorly as well.

Strategy: Provide a relevant weakness that you may have had, what you have done to overcome it and where you stand now.

Sample answer: I've always considered myself a quieter person. While I am very comfortable talking to people one on one, or even giving presentations, I have always been intimidated to go over to people I do not know and introduce myself Given my role in the business world, I knew that I had to get beyond that. I've made a concerted effort to put myself out there and meet new people. While it can be intimidating to do so, I don't think anyone notices that I am uncomfortable sometimes and I've made some great new connections.

8. When was the last time you were angry?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to learn how you manage your emotions on the job and if you can maintain your professionalism.

Strategy: Acknowledge the question. Do not try to say that you never get angry but provide a relevant example and share what you learned from it.

Sample answer: As a professional, I try to stay away from being angry at a co-worker or a client. Sometimes, someone may do something upsetting but I try to manage my emotions. One example does come to mind though. Early in my career, I shared a cubicle with someone in a similar capacity to me. As a worker, I tend to be all-in about my work and being a professional. This person was just about the opposite. He would be on inappropriate websites, make personal phone calls and even fall asleep when we were asked to meet with clients. The last part was especially upsetting as it was not only him acting unprofessionally; it was becoming a reflection on me. Eventually, he was caught for his behavior while I was able to take on additional responsibilities and move away from my association with him.


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