Friday, May 27, 2022

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 13

27. What kind of games do you like to play?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to better understand who you are outside of the job.

Strategy: Focus on games that require solving puzzles and strategic thinking as these are valued skills in most jobs.

Sample answer: I enjoy playing chess. It's the type of game that no matter how skilled you become, there is always someone better. It motivates me to continue to learn and improve.

28. What do you do in your leisure time?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to know if you are a well rounded person.

Strategy: There is really no wrong answer here but you should avoid any controversial answers. This is not really the place to discuss hunting or governmental protests.

Sample answer: I dedicate much of my time to my job but I find that it is important to find the time to relax. I enjoy spending time with my wife and daughter. We like to go to the park, see friends and go out to eat.

29. What do you do to deal with stress?

Why this question is being asked: As work is naturally stressful, the interviewer wants to know how you manage yours.

Strategy: Be honest that you do get stressed. Provide concrete examples to show how you can manage the stress.

Sample answer: I try to remain calm and prioritize my time when thinking about what needs to be done first. If it is an especially stressful time of year, I make sure to spend my lunch away from my desk and to get some exercise. I find that it makes me feel refreshed so that I have the energy to deal with the work.


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