Friday, May 20, 2022

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 10

19. What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized?

Why this question is being asked: In a world of increasing demands, multi-tasking and reporting, the interviewer would like to know how you remain organized.

Strategy: Everyone has different strategies but paint a picture of a person that is organized and has created a system to stay on top of the work.

Sample answer: The first thing that I do is create a running task list for myself in Google docs. In that list, I place deadlines and notes as to my progress. I have a calendar app for all of my appointments and to-do's as well as a physical appointment calendar as a backup. I like to arrive early to the office to clear out my inbox and voicemail system and solidify a working plan for the day.

20. What is your personal mission statement?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to understand what defines you in order to determine how you would fit into the company culture.

Strategy: Provide a well-defined mission statement that demonstrates your strong work ethic, moral compass and drive to succeed. Consider the mission statement of the company and make sure that it is compatible with your own.

Sample answer: To utilize my strong work ethic and drive to succeed to meet my own objectives, as well as those of people who count on me, in a responsible and morally appropriate way.


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