Monday, May 9, 2022

Things you can get a minor infraction on

There are several things you can get a minor infraction on in class, these include;

  • Arriving late to class
  • Sleeping in class
  • Refusing to do what you are supposed to be doing.
  • Swearing/Cussing
  • Being loud
  • Throwing things
  • Disrupting the class
  • Talking while the instructor is talking
  • Talking, Texting, or playing on your phone without permission
  • Leaving the class without permission
  • Go to the bathroom, wellness or see your counselor right after class starts
  • Not wearing your uniform
  • Wear inappropriate clothes
  • Being rude
  • Did not follow safety rules
  • Cheating

Remember, a student can only get up to a maximum of five minor infractions before they are separated from the program.

The best way to not be late to class or fall a sleep in class, is to go to sleep early so you can stay awake and complete your work while you are in class. If you feel sleepy, you can always drink some coffee in the morning to stay awake or stand up and walk around a little when you are feeling sleepy.

If you are done with your classwork early, make sure to ask the instructor what else you can do to stay active and awake in class instead of putting your head down and falling asleep, because it will prevent you from getting a minor infraction. 

We are a professional training facility, that means just like in the work place, we do not swear or cuss at any time. Doing so will get you a minor infraction and probably removed from the class. 

If you have a problem with your classmate, do not raise your voice, instead talk to the instructor so he or she can help you solve the problem, because raising your voice is considered a class disruption and will get you a minor infraction plus removed from the class.

Always remember to follow safety rules, because we want to have an environment where it is safe for everyone to learn. Not following safety rules will automatically get you removed from the classroom and you will possibly be terminated from the program depending on the action.

Any student caught cheating will automatically be separated from the program.

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