Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Records Presentation

Student Records.

The student records is considered the HR or Human Resource for the student. The records department is responsible for: 

Creating ID's for both staff and students.

Enroll or separate students.

Allow student to request personal information such as high school transcript, address, phone number, etc.


Every morning the students is required to fill out the morning attendance check. The morning attendance check, must be signed legibly with the students first and last name. Initials are not acceptable, and roommates are not allowed to sign for each other.

The MAC sheet is available from 6:00 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. every training day, and 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. on non-training days. (PRH and SOP chapter 6.1)

If a non residential student is signing in, a Security supervisors will be available to assist. 

Residential staff must sign the bottom of each page authenticating all of the signatures on that page. No white out is allowed on the MAC sheet. 

Please do not fill anything in on a blank student signature line. Since records handle leaves, we know if a student has departed. If a residential advisor needs to communicate something with us, an email or note attached to the MAC will work great.

Attendance. Students needs to report to class and be accounted for at all times. Being late or not showing up to class will result in an unauthorized absence.

The exciting world of data integrity.

Records department is responsible for strictly following all SOP and PRH guidelines regarding student information. That means the information they kept on files are to be 100 percent accurate at all time. Records are also to be frequently audited with quality assurance reviews to verify whether the information are accurate.

Quality Assurance (QA).

Records maintain all documents for students on center for 2 to 4 years in an E-folder. Students records are also achieved and store on the system after 4 years.

Why is QA or Data integrity important?

QA and data integrity are important because fixing a person error on a report or statement is difficult, and time consuming.

Student Records, TAR and High school or GED.

Student records also contains information about your high school and trade completion, incentive you will receive after the completion of your high school or trade, and what kind of credential you have received.

If you have any question, please feel free to call Ms. Dolleman at (616) 965-3809.


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