Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 2

3. How would someone who dislikes you describe you? 

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to understand how you deal with a question that is unexpected and makes you acknowledge that you are not perfect.

Strategy: Acknowledge the answer. Do not try and avoid it by saying, "Everyone likes me". Be cautious not to provide anything negative about yourself but think of different work styles and why someone with a conflicting work style may not like you.

Sample answer: Wow. That is a good question as I normally would not focus on negative thoughts or think about people not liking me in a professional context but if I had to give an answer, I would say, "I don't like working with him as I like to take things as they come and charge into a problem and he likes to think things through too much. He likes to create a plan and analyze the situation thoroughly before diving in and that is frustrating to me.

4. What was your biggest failure?

Why this question is being asked: Not everything will go your way all of the time and the interviewer wants to understand how you will handle it when things don't go right.

Strategy: Acknowledge the question. Do not try and avoid it by saying, "I have never failed". Provide a relevant failure and explain what you have learned from it that makes you a better professional today.

Sample answer: Early in my career, I overextended myself to grow my professional capabilities. I was working full time and also attending a master's program at night and on the weekends. It was manageable until received a promotion at work. I felt overwhelmed and left the master's program at the end of the semester. It felt like a failure because I could have given it more time to work out the responsibilities. I've learned to consider things more carefully before making any final decisions. As an aside, I've just restarted my master's and things are going really well!


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