Friday, May 27, 2022

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 14

30. What do you do to help balance life and work?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to know if you are a well rounded person.

Strategy: Provide concrete examples of how you maintain that balance. The interviewer is likely to be unimpressed if you say that you cannot maintain that balance and that you are a workaholic.

Sample answer: It can be difficult to maintain a proper balance but I think I manage it. For me the key is maximizing my time. On the train on the way to work, lam preparing for work and on the way home, I'm preparing for the next day as well. That way, lean mitigate the need to stay late at the office and spend time with my family. Plus, the weekends are family time (unless there is something essential to take care of before Monday rolls around).

31. Would you rather be liked or feared?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer would like to get a better sense of your management style.

Strategy: Find a balance for a middle ground. If you only say that you want to be liked, the interviewer might think you are a pushover and if you say that you need to be feared, you'll come off as a dictator.

Sample answer: I would want to be liked because I am a respected leader who leads by example. As an effective leader, my team would be fearful of not doing their best because each would know that everyone has put in a great effort and no one wants to disappoint the team.

32. How competitive are you?

Why this question is being asked: Most jobs require a certain amount of competition, either between employees or externally, and the interviewer would like to see how you hold up.

Strategy: Provide clear examples that show you thrive on a good amount of competition but that you wouldn't do anything, especially if it is unethical, to get ahead.

Sample answer: I do enjoy a healthy competition. I find that competing with co-workers motivates us all to be better. If someone comes up with a great strategy or technique that works well, the next person can build on that and we can all grow.


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