Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 3

5. What is your definition of failure?

Why this question is being asked: Working in a job is all about meeting objectives. The interviewer wants to understand how you judge things like success and failure.

Strategy: Provide some insight into your working style in a way that would be appealing for the interviewer.

Sample answer: To me, failure is not even trying. Sometimes there are opportunities given by a supervisor that one can take if he or she is willing to take on the challenge. Many people are so afraid of failure that they are afraid to even try challenging assignments. Failure is not trying something and it not working out. For me, not trying something out of my comfort zone would be the failure.

6. What are your regrets?

Why this question is being asked: Not everything will go your way all of the time and the interviewer needs to understand how you will handle it when things don't go right.

Strategy: Acknowledge the question. Provide a regret you may have that is relevant to the job and what you may have learned from it.

Sample answer: I am not the type of person who normally focuses on things like regret as we all make mistakes. It is important to acknowledge those mistakes but then move on. If I did have to focus on one answer, I would say that I regret not being more open to opportunities early in my career. When I was in college, I was laser-focused as to what type of job I wanted. I had the industry, role and even the location all planned out. When I received a call for an interview and it was in an outer borough, I declined the interview because it wasn't what I wanted exactly. I've learned not to be so closed minded to opportunity. In fact, I've become used to commuting for over an hour!


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