Thursday, May 26, 2022

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 12

24. What accomplishment has given you the most satisfaction?

Why this question is being asked: A predictor of your ability to accomplish things in the future is partly based on what you've accomplished in the past.

Strategy: Provide an accomplishment that would be relevant to the job you are interviewing for. Paint a picture of what you accomplished, how you went about accomplishing it and why it was important.

Sample answer: I've always been good at multi-tasking but I was not sure that I'd be able to go to school full-time while working and raising a family. It wasn't always easy but I was able to do it successfully. I'd study on the train, wake up early, go to sleep late and learned how to manage everything that I do more effectively.

25. What are your hobbies?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to understand who you are outside of the job.

Strategy: There is really no wrong answer here but you should avoid any controversial answers. This is not really the place to discuss hunting or governmental protests.

Sample answer: Since my job is desk-based, Hike to do hobbies that give me exercise and allow me to spend time with my family. I like to play sports and go camping.

26. What sports do you play?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to understand who you are outside of the job. There is some perception that active, healthier people are more productive.

Strategy: If possible, provide some examples of sports you participate in to show that you are active and are not all about work. To show a competitive spirit isn't a bad thing either.

Sample answer: Informally, I run regularly. Hike to compete with myself in breaking my fastest time. I have a competitive spirit so when time allows, I like to participate in pickup basketball games.


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