Friday, May 20, 2022

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 5

9. If you could relive the last 10 years of your life, what would you do differently?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to get a sense of where you are going with your career by having you reflect on your past.

Strategy: Focus on what you've learned through your experience and if you had known, what you would have done differently.

Sample answer: I am not the type of person that lives with a great deal of regret. I try to be thoughtful about my actions, but we all make mistakes. One of the things I would have done differently, but I could have only learned through the experiences that I did have, was to be more culturally sensitive. I've worked with many people from a variety of backgrounds and if I would have understood their perspectives based on their experiences better, I think we could have worked more effectively together.

10. Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between others.

Why this question is being asked: Conflicting opinions and strong personalities are often a part of the workplace. People that can take on leadership roles and resolve problems are heavily valued.

Strategy: Provide an example where you can demonstrate your leadership abilities to resolve a conflict. Explain what was the problem, the action that you took and the end result.

Sample answer: As an accounts manager, I had taken on a mentoring role for two relatively new employees. They were working closely together, and a conflict arose as to which one should get the credit for securing the account. They agreed to talk it out with me before going to the supervisor. Upon hearing each other's side of the situation, they agreed that each deserved some credit and realized that to find mutual success in their new roles, they would be best served by working together.


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