Friday, May 20, 2022

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 9

17. Why aren't you earning more money at this stage of your career?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to understand how much the salary factors in to your career goals.

Strategy: Explain your long term strategy in preparing yourself for the highest future earnings as opposed to taking whatever highest paying job comes next.

Sample answer: Up to this point in my career, it has been all about contributing to the organization and getting as much experience as possible. I chose to take some jobs that paid in the middle range of the market as opposed to the highest, as I knew those firms would challenge me the most and I'd have the best opportunity to learn. Now that I've gained all of that experience, I feel that I am in the position to pursue a job that adequately meets both of my goals to challenge me as well as pay a salary that is at the higher end of the scale.

18. Who has inspired you in your life and why?

Why this question is being asked: As the interviewer does not know you, he/she wants to understand what made you the person that you are.

Strategy: Provide a few examples of family, friends and/or mentors who've inspired you through their work ethic and dedication to a task.

Sample answer: It would be difficult not to be inspired by one's parents. Thankfully, mine served as great role models for me. In addition to dedicating their free time to their children, they have a tremendous work ethic. My father would wake up extra early to get to work earlier in order to put in extra hours so that he could get home in time to see his kids. If need be, he returned to work after we had gone to bed. My first supervisor, Jane Riley, was an inspiration as well. She has a tremendous moral compass. If something appeared morally questionable, she taught us to lean towards the right thing to do. She was right as it strengthened our relationship with clients and benefited everyone in the end.


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