An investment in knowledge pays the best interest ~ Benjamin Franklin.

Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It's about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life.

Do not give your past the power to define your future.

If you want to succeed, focus on changing yourself, not others.

There are no limits to what you can accomplish except the limits you place on your own thinking

Friday, May 27, 2022

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 15

33. Tell me about a time when you used your creativity to overcome a problem.

Why this question is being asked: There isn't always a guidebook to solve all of the problems that can, and do, arise at work. The interviewer wants to know if you can be creative in order to solve problems.

Strategy: Provide an example relevant to the job you are applying for. Describe the problem, the creative approach you used to solve the problem and what the positive end result was.

Sample answer: I have to establish relationships with executives. The most difficult part is reaching them. I've learned how to find any email address at a company when you can find that of one person. I google for the email address of anyone at the company to learn how their system works. Once I have that along with an executive's name, I can contact him or her directly. This has led to a much higher rate of response than trying to reach the person on the phone or through an intermediary.

34. Which of your technical skills has most helped you on the job?

Why this question is being asked: Technical aptitude is an increasing important skill no matter what your role. The interviewer would like to get a better understanding of your strongest skills.

Strategy: Provide a technical skill relevant to the job you are pursuing. Demonstrate your expertise by providing an example of how you used it and why you were successful.

Sample answer: I have a good understanding of how to utilize social media. I've trained our sales staff in the use of LinkedIn to increase company visibility.

35. What new skills have you learned or developed recently?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer would like to know if you are a lifelong learner. Companies want to hire people that are constantly learning and not stagnating.

Strategy: Provide an example of something you learned recently that is relevant to the job you are interviewing for. Explain how what you've learned is relevant to your job and what you accomplished.

Sample answer: I recently learned more about the importance of body language. It helped me to better identify what people are communicating with their bodies even when saying something different. This skill has been very helpful when attending business meetings and establishing new relationships.

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 14

30. What do you do to help balance life and work?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to know if you are a well rounded person.

Strategy: Provide concrete examples of how you maintain that balance. The interviewer is likely to be unimpressed if you say that you cannot maintain that balance and that you are a workaholic.

Sample answer: It can be difficult to maintain a proper balance but I think I manage it. For me the key is maximizing my time. On the train on the way to work, lam preparing for work and on the way home, I'm preparing for the next day as well. That way, lean mitigate the need to stay late at the office and spend time with my family. Plus, the weekends are family time (unless there is something essential to take care of before Monday rolls around).

31. Would you rather be liked or feared?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer would like to get a better sense of your management style.

Strategy: Find a balance for a middle ground. If you only say that you want to be liked, the interviewer might think you are a pushover and if you say that you need to be feared, you'll come off as a dictator.

Sample answer: I would want to be liked because I am a respected leader who leads by example. As an effective leader, my team would be fearful of not doing their best because each would know that everyone has put in a great effort and no one wants to disappoint the team.

32. How competitive are you?

Why this question is being asked: Most jobs require a certain amount of competition, either between employees or externally, and the interviewer would like to see how you hold up.

Strategy: Provide clear examples that show you thrive on a good amount of competition but that you wouldn't do anything, especially if it is unethical, to get ahead.

Sample answer: I do enjoy a healthy competition. I find that competing with co-workers motivates us all to be better. If someone comes up with a great strategy or technique that works well, the next person can build on that and we can all grow.

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 13

27. What kind of games do you like to play?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to better understand who you are outside of the job.

Strategy: Focus on games that require solving puzzles and strategic thinking as these are valued skills in most jobs.

Sample answer: I enjoy playing chess. It's the type of game that no matter how skilled you become, there is always someone better. It motivates me to continue to learn and improve.

28. What do you do in your leisure time?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to know if you are a well rounded person.

Strategy: There is really no wrong answer here but you should avoid any controversial answers. This is not really the place to discuss hunting or governmental protests.

Sample answer: I dedicate much of my time to my job but I find that it is important to find the time to relax. I enjoy spending time with my wife and daughter. We like to go to the park, see friends and go out to eat.

29. What do you do to deal with stress?

Why this question is being asked: As work is naturally stressful, the interviewer wants to know how you manage yours.

Strategy: Be honest that you do get stressed. Provide concrete examples to show how you can manage the stress.

Sample answer: I try to remain calm and prioritize my time when thinking about what needs to be done first. If it is an especially stressful time of year, I make sure to spend my lunch away from my desk and to get some exercise. I find that it makes me feel refreshed so that I have the energy to deal with the work.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 12

24. What accomplishment has given you the most satisfaction?

Why this question is being asked: A predictor of your ability to accomplish things in the future is partly based on what you've accomplished in the past.

Strategy: Provide an accomplishment that would be relevant to the job you are interviewing for. Paint a picture of what you accomplished, how you went about accomplishing it and why it was important.

Sample answer: I've always been good at multi-tasking but I was not sure that I'd be able to go to school full-time while working and raising a family. It wasn't always easy but I was able to do it successfully. I'd study on the train, wake up early, go to sleep late and learned how to manage everything that I do more effectively.

25. What are your hobbies?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to understand who you are outside of the job.

Strategy: There is really no wrong answer here but you should avoid any controversial answers. This is not really the place to discuss hunting or governmental protests.

Sample answer: Since my job is desk-based, Hike to do hobbies that give me exercise and allow me to spend time with my family. I like to play sports and go camping.

26. What sports do you play?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to understand who you are outside of the job. There is some perception that active, healthier people are more productive.

Strategy: If possible, provide some examples of sports you participate in to show that you are active and are not all about work. To show a competitive spirit isn't a bad thing either.

Sample answer: Informally, I run regularly. Hike to compete with myself in breaking my fastest time. I have a competitive spirit so when time allows, I like to participate in pickup basketball games.

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 11

21. What is your greatest achievement outside of work?

Why this question is being asked: The employer wants to understand who you are as a person outside of a job setting.

Strategy: Focus on an achievement that demonstrate experiences, skills or abilities that was performed outside of the job.

Sample answer: I've been volunteering for an organization called Building Homes for the Homeless since 1999. At first, I was just a helper when we went into a town and helped to actually build a home. I've worked my way up and I'm now the team leader. It's a great feeling to successfully lead others in volunteering their time for such a worthy cause.

22. Tell me one thing about yourself you wouldn't want me to know.

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to know how you'll handle a question that you did not anticipate and what you'll say that you may not have planned to.

Strategy: Don't provide an actual weakness about yourself. Provide something that you may not have really said otherwise but makes you seem like a stronger candidate.

Sample answer: Well to be honest, I've actually been following this company for a long time. I'm a fan of your work. I know that you aren't looking to hire someone that is just a fan but is also a great fit and employee and I think that I'm an excellent balance between the two.

23. What is your favorite memory from your teenage years?

Why this question is being asked: The employer wants to understand more of who you are as a person.

Strategy: Provide something that shows your good character and would be applicable to making you a better professional.

Sample answer: My favorite memory was watching my sister graduate from high school. She struggled with her math classes and she wasn't sure she was going to be able to pass. I tutored her and she became more confident. A few months later, my sister made a copy of her diploma and gave it to me with a note of thanks

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Interpersonal Skills

Work Ethics & Work Excellence

Monday, May 23, 2022

Topic 11 Recognizing & Addressing Bias (Reading)

Biased attitudes and behavior - unfair feelings based on prejudice - can cause communication barriers between people. Three approaches for reducing these barriers include awareness, intervention, and prevention.

Awareness: Recognizing our own biases, the biases of others, and the negative effects of bias upon everyone.

Intervention: Learning ways to respond to bias constructively when it occurs.

Prevention: Getting involved in activities that affirm our own identity and show respect for the identity of others.

Words to Know

Biased behavior: treating people unfairly because of their identity.

Culture: the way of living that make a group of people distinctive.

Ethnic group: a group of people who share a common heritage, language, or traditions.

Gender: male or female

Identity: the things that help make people who they are, such as age, gender, physical appearance, culture, race, language, and beliefs.

National origin: the country of one's birth or ancestry.

Prejudice: an opinion about individuals or group based on false or limited information; a perception that a person or a group is inferior or superior because of their identity.

Ignite: excite; set fire to.

Portray: make a picture of.

Race: a group of people with distinctive physical characteristics that are genetically inherited from one generation to the next.

Stereotype: a fixed belief about how all people who belong to a group will look or act.

Tolerance: the ability to recognize and respect the beliefs and practices of other.

Constructive Responses to Bias

If you think you or others are being treated unfairly because of your identity-age, gender, race, beliefs, abilities, etc. - it is important to handle the situation in a way that invites positive, constructive communication about bias without igniting emotions into harmful or violent confrontations. Below are some constructive ways to deal with the biased attitudes or behaviors you could face.

Speak in a firm, calm, respectful voice. Say what you think is unfair and untrue. Say why you think this is true. Say how you would like things to change. Identify and address your own biases. Speak up for the person receiving unfair treatment. Ask the offender to work with you to prevent biased behavior. Offer comfort to the recipient of bias. Speak with a person in authority or an ally who will support and reinforce a change in behavior. Walk away after you've had your say and have listened to the constructive responses of others (including the offender).

Click here to complete the Individual Assignment

Topic 11 Recognizing & Addressing Bias Group Project

Choose one of the following projects to find out more about this topic, or create your own project based on your interests and abilities.

Media Research

Create a study group to find out how different forms of media such as newspapers, magazines, films or commercial, portray people. Keep a record of what you discover and make a graph or another form of visual aid to display your findings. Consider the following questions?

  1. Are both males and females represented in a variety of roles (traditional and non-traditional)?

  2. Are people with disabilities portrayed fairly?

  3. Are people of color stereotyped?

  4. Who represents "good"? Who represents "bad"?

  5. How are young people or older people portrayed?

Community Bias

Bias can be expressed in many ways in a local community. When you hear about people being hurt by bias in your community, such as the destruction of places of worship, biased graffiti on people's homes, physical violence to people because of their identity, or other unfair and hurtful practices, ask your friends to join with you in speaking out against it. Consider these ideas and add your own.

  1. Write a letter to local newspapers, or contact a TV station or other local media organizations, expressing your opinions and concerns.

  2. Offer support to the recipients of bias with letters, cards, flowers, or other expressions of comfort to let them know they are not alone.

  3. Paint over biased graffiti on walls, places of worship, or other locations. If appropriate, replace the graffiti with a drawing or message supporting peace and understanding.

  4. When you hear people making biased comments about individuals or groups, let them know in a strong and polite way that you do not agree with their ideas, and explain why.

It's The Law

Form a study group to explore the following questions. Consider employers, attorneys, and the library as possible sources of information.

  1. What are some of the issues in the workplace related to gender, age, disabilities, sexual orientation, and discrimination?

  2. Which federal laws address these issues?

  3. Organize a Center-wide or residence hall meeting and share what you discovered.

Read About It

Read a story involving biased behaviors and write a short summary of what you learned.

Books to consider are:

  • Convicted in the Womb by Carl Upchurch.

  • The Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank.

  • Amazing Grace by Jonathan Kozol.

Topic 11 Recognizing & Addressing Bias Individual Assignment

Friday, May 20, 2022

Managing Employee Diversity

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 10

19. What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized?

Why this question is being asked: In a world of increasing demands, multi-tasking and reporting, the interviewer would like to know how you remain organized.

Strategy: Everyone has different strategies but paint a picture of a person that is organized and has created a system to stay on top of the work.

Sample answer: The first thing that I do is create a running task list for myself in Google docs. In that list, I place deadlines and notes as to my progress. I have a calendar app for all of my appointments and to-do's as well as a physical appointment calendar as a backup. I like to arrive early to the office to clear out my inbox and voicemail system and solidify a working plan for the day.

20. What is your personal mission statement?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to understand what defines you in order to determine how you would fit into the company culture.

Strategy: Provide a well-defined mission statement that demonstrates your strong work ethic, moral compass and drive to succeed. Consider the mission statement of the company and make sure that it is compatible with your own.

Sample answer: To utilize my strong work ethic and drive to succeed to meet my own objectives, as well as those of people who count on me, in a responsible and morally appropriate way.

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 9

17. Why aren't you earning more money at this stage of your career?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to understand how much the salary factors in to your career goals.

Strategy: Explain your long term strategy in preparing yourself for the highest future earnings as opposed to taking whatever highest paying job comes next.

Sample answer: Up to this point in my career, it has been all about contributing to the organization and getting as much experience as possible. I chose to take some jobs that paid in the middle range of the market as opposed to the highest, as I knew those firms would challenge me the most and I'd have the best opportunity to learn. Now that I've gained all of that experience, I feel that I am in the position to pursue a job that adequately meets both of my goals to challenge me as well as pay a salary that is at the higher end of the scale.

18. Who has inspired you in your life and why?

Why this question is being asked: As the interviewer does not know you, he/she wants to understand what made you the person that you are.

Strategy: Provide a few examples of family, friends and/or mentors who've inspired you through their work ethic and dedication to a task.

Sample answer: It would be difficult not to be inspired by one's parents. Thankfully, mine served as great role models for me. In addition to dedicating their free time to their children, they have a tremendous work ethic. My father would wake up extra early to get to work earlier in order to put in extra hours so that he could get home in time to see his kids. If need be, he returned to work after we had gone to bed. My first supervisor, Jane Riley, was an inspiration as well. She has a tremendous moral compass. If something appeared morally questionable, she taught us to lean towards the right thing to do. She was right as it strengthened our relationship with clients and benefited everyone in the end.

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 8

15. Are you a leader or a follower?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to understand how you'd fit into the organization given your role.

Strategy: Every organization values some leadership qualities but wants someone who will follow directives as well. Try to maintain a balance between the two.

Sample answer: I take a leadership role on those occasions that call for expertise or experience that I have and which my colleagues may not possess. l am always ready to share my knowledge. But as a leader, I understand that sometimes it important to be a good follower as well in order to learn from others.

16. What are some of your leadership experiences? Why this question is being asked: As the ability to lead is an important quality no matter what your role, the interviewer wants to know more about your ability to lead by learning if you have done so in the past.

Strategy: Provide a memorable story (or two) that demonstrates your leadership qualities. It is better to provide only one or two stories than to provide a laundry list of all of your leadership experiences, with none being memorable following the interview.

Sample answer: Every quarter, my department has to provide a report on its accomplishments to the executives. I volunteered for the role of team lead in gathering this information from co-workers and ensuring that it was as accurate and organized as possible. I called several team meetings to set objectives and deadlines for our work and met with individual members to answer any questions and to make sure we were on the same page. We produced a report that was praised by the executive team and I have been the go-to person ever since.  

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 7

13. What are three things your former manager would like you to improve on?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer is looking for you to be candid and share professional aspects about yourself that may not be your strong suits.

Strategy: Focus on aspects of yourself that may have been places for improvement earlier in your career. Show how you have overcome those weaknesses and where you are today.

Sample answer: The supervisor in my first job had a difficult personality so I have a good sense of how to answer this one.

"He has poor communication skills." He felt that I could not communicate well and should not speak on the phone. Although I felt this was partly because I am naturally quieter when acclimating to a situation, I did take steps to improve my communication abilities. I've been attending toastmaster meetings for the last 5 years. This has improved my public speaking abilities greatly and speaking publicly is a major part of what I do.

"He has limited technical know-how." At the time of I began that job, I wasn't that experienced in using a computer so it was a sharp learning curve for me. Once I became comfortable in using technology, I really took to it. Now, I enjoy using social media, blogging, podcasting and such.

"He is not a leader." I can understand why my first boss had this initial perception of me. As I mentioned, in my first role, I was quieter and intimidated to speak out too much. I just focused on the work. As I've grown as a professional, so have my leadership abilities. Even in that job, I helped to train new employees and was left in charge of overseeing the office in the absence of a supervisor. As I've grown in my career, I have often taken on the role of team leader.

14. Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.

Why this question is being asked: By learning about what you've accomplished in the past, the interviewer has a better sense of what you may accomplish in the future.

Strategy: Paint a picture with your words of an accomplishment that would be relevant to the position for which you are applying.

Sample answer: I was called upon to do a job meant for two people. I was able not only to meet the demands of both positions, but to really excel. As the company acquired various new businesses, the CEO was looking for someone who already had experience in account management to lead a new team. I was asked to do so while maintaining my old position as well. I would spend two and a half days at each site per week. Through maximizing resources, especially leaning on technology as a communication tool, I was able to stay on top of both roles and exceed expectations.

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 6

11. What are your goals?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to know if your goals align with those of the organization.

Strategy: Focus on an "everybody wins" approach as opposed to only what you want. Be specific as to the items relevant to the industry that you would like to accomplish but avoid naming a specific job title.

Sample answer: I want to continue to contribute to a media organization in a meaningful way. My exact job title is not as important to me as the type of work that I would be doing. I know that if lean contribute positively, the company will benefit and we will all win in the end.

12. What is your dream job?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to know if your dreams and goals align with those of the organization.

Strategy: Focus on job duties relevant to the industry in which you are applying. Avoid naming a specific job title. Paint a realistic picture.

Sample answer: I look for the potential in most things, so any job that I've held has had pieces of a dream job to me. I understand that even the ideal job will have stress at certain times and various challenges, big and small, to overcome. For me the ideal job is when I can continue to contribute to a media organization in a meaningful, progressively responsible way.

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 5

9. If you could relive the last 10 years of your life, what would you do differently?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to get a sense of where you are going with your career by having you reflect on your past.

Strategy: Focus on what you've learned through your experience and if you had known, what you would have done differently.

Sample answer: I am not the type of person that lives with a great deal of regret. I try to be thoughtful about my actions, but we all make mistakes. One of the things I would have done differently, but I could have only learned through the experiences that I did have, was to be more culturally sensitive. I've worked with many people from a variety of backgrounds and if I would have understood their perspectives based on their experiences better, I think we could have worked more effectively together.

10. Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between others.

Why this question is being asked: Conflicting opinions and strong personalities are often a part of the workplace. People that can take on leadership roles and resolve problems are heavily valued.

Strategy: Provide an example where you can demonstrate your leadership abilities to resolve a conflict. Explain what was the problem, the action that you took and the end result.

Sample answer: As an accounts manager, I had taken on a mentoring role for two relatively new employees. They were working closely together, and a conflict arose as to which one should get the credit for securing the account. They agreed to talk it out with me before going to the supervisor. Upon hearing each other's side of the situation, they agreed that each deserved some credit and realized that to find mutual success in their new roles, they would be best served by working together.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Chapter 1: Windows Versions and Customer Service (Part 2)

To launch a program from the desktop, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Click on the start button, look for the program inside the start menu and click on it to launch the program.

  • Click on the Windows 10 search box with Cortana, type in the name of the application, and click on it to launch.

  • Click on the double arrow to open the Quick Launch Menu, and launch a program.

If your Desktop do not have a Quick Launch menu, right click on an empty space on the taskbar, navigate to New toolbar... and click on it. Inside the pop up box at the top, inside the address bar, type in %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch and press Enter. You will be able to create a Quick Launch button at the bottom on your taskbar. Now you can click on the double arrow to open the Quick Launch Menu.

Pin to taskbar. For this to work you will need to first open the program, than right click on the icon in the taskbar and select Pin to taskbar. The next time you close the program, the shortcut icon will remain in the taskbar for you to launch it next time.

And finally, the last three methods we have for launching a program is

  • Double-click the program file name in File Explorer

  • Double click a shortcut on the desktop

  • Open the run box or search box, type in the name of the application and click OK

Windows 10 has several different features that other version of Windows do not have. These include Action Center, Cortana, Snap Assist, and Task View.

Action Center is used to toggle several Windows features on and off, access the Settings app, and view notifications.

Cortana is a Windows 10 digital assistant that can learn your speech, handwriting patterns, and typing history to assist with user input.

Snap Assist is used to snap windows to an edge or corner and allows for half and quadrant snapping.

Task View is used to create multiple virtual desktops so you can flip through to the desired desktop as needed.

Chapter 1: Windows Versions and Customer Service (Part 1)

Welcome to chapter 1: Windows Versions and Customer Service

  • The objective of this chapter is to use Windows to interface with users, files and folders, applications, and hardware.

  • Use Windows tools to examine and support the system.

  • Explain the various ways Windows secures resources on the network and secures a network connection.

  • Support customers with professionalism and respect, in addition to your technical skills.

Windows Interface

What exactly is an operating system or OS? An operating system is a software that controls the computer and allows you to interact with applications such as the browser, email, word processors, etc. 

Every operating systems has four main functions, these include;
  • Provide a user interface for you to interact with

  • Give the user the ability to manage files

  • Give the user the ability to manage hardware

  • Allow users to manage application such as installing or uninstalling applications, move application, enable or disable applications, terminate application, etc.

Windows 10 Interface

Windows 10 Desktop has many different tools used by technicians to support, secure, and troubleshoot Windows, as well as productivity software, can be access from the Start menu, desktop, and taskbar.

A taskbar is usually located at the bottom of the Windows desktop that can be used to display information about the open programs and provides quick access to others applications. (See picture of taskbar below)

By default, Windows 10 pins the Task View, Microsoft Edge, File Explorer, and Store icons in the Quick Launch toolbar on the left side of the taskbar

The Start Menu has live tiles on the right side of the menu that offer continuous real-time updates

The bottom-left corner of the Start menu has a few icons that you can use to access important functions. This area is also known as the notification area.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Digital Citizenship


This presentation is about Digital Citizenship. Below are some of the topic we will be going over.

  1. What is Digital Citizenship?

  2. Why is it important, especially in the virtual classroom?

  3. What is your digital footprint?

  4. What is digital literacy and why is it important?

You can visit the website commonsense.org to learn more about Digital Citizenship.

Why is Digital Citizenship important?

Protecting your online safety and ensuring the importance of online professionalism.

  • Secure passwords.

  • Protect private information from being easily accessible online.

  • Protect yourself from computer viruses, malware, and phishing to locate personal information.

  • Citing sources: Ensure the sources are credible, and be sure to give the authors credit (as we know there is a lot of disinformation and lies published online).

An example source is provided for you below.

Davis, Vicki. Edutopia. https://www.edutopia.org/blog/digital-citizenship-need-to-know-vicki-davis.

What is a digital footprint?

A digital footprint is the information online about a person, posted either by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally.

Try doing a Google search on your name and see what kind of information you can find. Remember if you can do a Google search on yourself, so can your employers and if you put something online about yourself, they can search for you, so before you post anything online, make sure to think twice because whatever you post will stay permanently online.

Digital Literacy.

“Digital literacy is the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills.” - American Library Association.

Examples include.

  • Looking at information critically online to ensure the information you are consuming is based on facts.

  • Citing sources to give authors credit when writing papers or preparing presentations for school.

  • Thinking critically about online content creation from emails to publishing work or videos online.


  • In the 21st century, we are learning, living, sharing, and communicating online.

  • Use these lessons to keep in mind that anything you put online on a public domain can be easily accessed by anyone, including a future employer.

  • Remember to treat your classmates and Job Corps staff with respect both in person and in the virtual environment.

  • Remember to be kind, think critically, and showcase your best digital footprint as you build toward your future goals!

Click here view the video Screen Time: How Much Is Too Much

Introduction to Center Mental Health Consultant

Introduction to center mental health consultant

The purpose of this power point is to provide you an overview of mental health and wellness program and services available at the Gerald R. Ford Job Corps Center. This power point will also show you how to make a self-referral and teach you the basic skills for identifying and responding to a mental health crisis.

Introduction to Mental health and wellness services

Career Preparation Period Presentation for students.

Part 1. Mental Health and Wellness Program and services.

Part 2. Basic Skills in identifying and Responding to a Mental Health Crisis.

Part 1. Mental Health and Wellness Program Services.

The Job Corps mental health and wellness program is here to help you learn and develop healthy lifestyle choices to increase your chances of completing the program, getting a job, and remaining employed.

The program can help you learn ways to deal with stress, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and many other things that can get in the way of being successful and employed.

Available Services

The mental health and wellness program provides:​

  • Assessments
  • Mental Health Promotion and Education​
  • Treatment​

Let’s talk about each one of these so you have a clear idea of what is available to you.


On admission all students complete the Social Intake Form.​ This form helps us know some of the challenges you have faced and how we can best help you.​ Your CMHC may follow up with you after you have completed this form in order to explore ways to support you while you are in Job Corps.

Why Talk With ​a Center Mental Health Consultant (CMHC)?

If you are having feelings, thoughts, or behaviors that seem to get in the way of your success, your CMHC may be able to help you figure out why.​

If you have a mental health condition, your CMHC can help you determine if you need additional assistance or an accommodation.

Mental Health Promotion and Education

Your CMHC can provide ​Information and education on how to maintain good mental health, like managing stress and good sleep habits. ​Information and education on mental health topics like depression, anxiety, and how it impacts employability.​ Opportunities for you to learn how to make healthy decisions now and once you complete Job Corps.​


The mental health and wellness program also includes treatment such as, 

​Short-term counseling

We provide mental health check-in visits to help you learn skills and strategies on managing problems or dealing with mental health issues that may make it hard for you at Job Corps and in the workplace.​

Substance use issues.

Often mental health issues and substance abuse go hand-in-hand. Along with the TEAP Specialist, mental health services can help you understand this relationship and make healthy choices for yourself.

Medication referrals.

Sometimes, in addition to learning new skills and strategies, medication can be helpful in managing mental health symptoms.

Off-center referrals​

If needed, we can arrange for additional services off-center at the local community mental health center or specialized support services.​

The mental health and wellness program also includes;

Help during a crisis​. Crises can include many things, from a death in the family to thoughts of suicide. Your CMHC is trained to help you during a crisis.

What is M S W R? (Medical Separation With Reinstatement)

Sometimes a student has significant health problems that interfere with participation in training, may be too complex to manage while in Job Corps, or are unusually costly. Those students may separate from Job Corps in an M S W R status and be reinstated at a later date.

MSWR may be used if the health care provider estimates that the student’s condition will be resolved and the student will be able to return to the center within 180 days.​ Maximum of six months.

Virtual Appointments

  • A couple of ways to make a virtual appointment.
  • Call or email the Health and Wellness Center and request to make an appointment to see the CMHC.
  • Ask your career counselor to send a referral to the CMHC for you.
  • If you have any questions, Please reach out to your instructor or counselor.


Being a Job Corps student can be an exciting time in your life and an opportunity for growth. However, you or one of your friends may also have experiences that are difficult to manage alone. You may be coping with relationship difficulties, family problems, financial concerns, significant stress, grief or loss, or struggling with one of a variety of mental health issues.

Asking for Help

Many people have a hard time asking for help, because we assume that we should be able to handle problems on our own. However, there are some situations where having a helping hand can be key in overcoming those problems. We can all help each other by knowing how to identify and respond to a mental health crisis.​

Mental Health Crisis.

Crisis of the Mind or Spirit​

  • Experiencing thoughts of suicide​. Experiencing anger, aggression, and/or the threat of violence​.
  • Let’s briefly discuss each one of these before we talk about what to do if you or someone else is having a mental health crisis.​

Thoughts of Suicide

  • Sometimes people experience such overwhelming emotional pain that they believe ending their life is the only way to feel better.​
  • Most suicidal persons desperately want to live and have tried to communicate their pain to others.​
  • Know the warning signs and take all signs of suicidal behavior seriously. ​
  • Suicide is preventable.

Warning Signs of Suicide

  • Below are some examples of warning signs of suicide.
  • Threatening to hurt oneself or talking about wanting to end one’s life.
  • Looking for ways to end one’s life​.
  • Seeking access to pills, weapons, or other means of ending one’s life​.
  • Talking or writing about death, dying, or suicide​.
  • Expressing feelings of hopelessness, uncontrollable anxiety, rage, or revenge​.
  • Engaging in reckless or risky behaviors​.
  • Withdrawing from family and friends​.
  • Expressing a lack of purpose and meaning in life, no reason for living​.
  • Giving away personal items, changing a will​.
  • Loss of loved one, job, pet, home, independence.

Anger, Aggression, Threat of Violence

  • Anger is a feeling coming from how we see a situation (often as wrong, unfair) and our ability to cope.
  • Aggression is a behavior that is sometimes caused by anger—people may act out their angry feelings by threatening to harm others.
  • Anger and aggression can lead to threats of violence.​

Threat​ of Violence

  • Threat of violence warning signs include.
  • Frequently reporting feeling disrespected.​
  • Threatens to hurt others​.
  • Withdraws from friends and feels rejected or alone​.
  • Inappropriate fascination with guns and/or weapons or other violent incidents​.
  • Depression: comments about suicide​.
  • Writing or artwork that indicate extremes of hopelessness, social isolation, despair, rage, death​.
  • Talks about bringing weapons on center​.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, a few options is available to help. These include,

  • Let a staff member know. This could be your counselor or any staff member you feel comfortable talking to.​
  • Let a friend know and ask them to get help for you.​
  • Contact the Health and Wellness Center.
  • Call a crisis hotline: 1-800-273-TALK​.
  • 988 – three-digit hotline for mental health emergency​.
  • TEXT LINE 741741​.
  • If off-center, go to the nearest emergency room or call 911.

If you see a suicides' warning sign, make sure to ask the person some questions

  • I’ve noticed that you’ve mentioned feeling hopeless a lot lately. Are you feeling okay?
  • Sometimes when people feel like that, they are thinking about suicide. Are you thinking about suicide?
  • Do you want to hurt yourself or someone else?
  • Are you thinking about ending your life?

Listen and Persuade

Listen to friends who share upsetting thoughts or display troubling, harmful, or dangerous behaviors, and encourage them to seek help from their residential advisor, counselor, instructor, health and wellness center, or other trusted center staff member.​

  • I’m really concerned about you, and I want you to know that help is available to get you through this.
  • Will you go with me to talk with your counselor?
  • Would you like me to tell your counselor that you would like to talk to him or her?
  • I want to contact the Health and Wellness Center to get more help. Will you contact them with me?

If the Person Won’t Agree to Get Help

If you are concerned someone is suicidal or may hurt someone else,

  • Don’t worry about breaking trust or being disloyal.​
  • Don’t worry that you may not have “enough” information to call for help.​
  • This is not “snitching.”​
  • Get help!

Scenario. How to respond to suicidal thoughts

Morgan is an 18-year-old woman who was only able to finish the 8th grade. Morgan has difficulties learning new skills and can’t seem to pass the GED. Because of what appears to be her “slowness” and her appearance, she is often teased by others. This makes her very angry and she has started to withdraw from people and activities. She is starting to give away some personal belongings and recently told a friend that she has “had enough.”​

Let’s assume you know Morgan and are aware of her problems. Which of the following would be the best response?​

  1. If I knew she was angry about being “teased,” I would talk to her to see if she was okay. I would ask her if she felt suicidal. If she said yes, I would convince her to see a counselor right away. I would tell her that I would go with her.

  2. People always joke around with each other. That’s how we all deal with the stress. If you can’t handle the ribbing, you should  probably not be at school or work.

  3. When I heard that she “had enough,” I would immediately ask her if she was thinking of suicide. If she said yes, I would stay with her and call a counselor or ask someone else to call a counselor.

How to Respond Threat of Violence

Tarik is quiet and doesn’t seem to have many friends. He doesn’t talk very much, even when others try to talk to him. Tarik seems comfortable communicating through writing and drawing. From what you’ve seen of his work, he tends to focus on dark and depressing subjects. Recently, you’ve noticed his writing or art has focused on death or murder. He used to at least play cards with you, but now he is not doing that.​

  1. What are the warning signs?​

  2. Let’s assume you know Tarik and are aware of  his problems. Which of the following would be the best response?​

  3. Wait to see what happens.

  4. Assume Tarik is just going through a rough time and ignore his writings and drawings.​ Try to talk with Tarik, ask whether he is thinking of hurting himself or someone else. Encourage Tarik to set up an appointment with a counselor as soon as possible. Tell a staff member about your concerns immediately.​


As a virtual student, if you feel unsafe or are worried about yourself or someone else, don’t get involved physically. Reach out to your center counselor or call 911.

The mental health and wellness program is here to help maintain a safe environment, support you while in Job Corps, and help prepare you for the work environment.​

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Records Presentation

Student Records.

The student records is considered the HR or Human Resource for the student. The records department is responsible for: 

Creating ID's for both staff and students.

Enroll or separate students.

Allow student to request personal information such as high school transcript, address, phone number, etc.


Every morning the students is required to fill out the morning attendance check. The morning attendance check, must be signed legibly with the students first and last name. Initials are not acceptable, and roommates are not allowed to sign for each other.

The MAC sheet is available from 6:00 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. every training day, and 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. on non-training days. (PRH and SOP chapter 6.1)

If a non residential student is signing in, a Security supervisors will be available to assist. 

Residential staff must sign the bottom of each page authenticating all of the signatures on that page. No white out is allowed on the MAC sheet. 

Please do not fill anything in on a blank student signature line. Since records handle leaves, we know if a student has departed. If a residential advisor needs to communicate something with us, an email or note attached to the MAC will work great.

Attendance. Students needs to report to class and be accounted for at all times. Being late or not showing up to class will result in an unauthorized absence.

The exciting world of data integrity.

Records department is responsible for strictly following all SOP and PRH guidelines regarding student information. That means the information they kept on files are to be 100 percent accurate at all time. Records are also to be frequently audited with quality assurance reviews to verify whether the information are accurate.

Quality Assurance (QA).

Records maintain all documents for students on center for 2 to 4 years in an E-folder. Students records are also achieved and store on the system after 4 years.

Why is QA or Data integrity important?

QA and data integrity are important because fixing a person error on a report or statement is difficult, and time consuming.

Student Records, TAR and High school or GED.

Student records also contains information about your high school and trade completion, incentive you will receive after the completion of your high school or trade, and what kind of credential you have received.

If you have any question, please feel free to call Ms. Dolleman at (616) 965-3809.

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 4

7. What is your greatest weakness?

Why this question is being asked: In order to gain a better understanding of the "professional you". The interviewer doesn't want to hear just about what you do well but what you may do poorly as well.

Strategy: Provide a relevant weakness that you may have had, what you have done to overcome it and where you stand now.

Sample answer: I've always considered myself a quieter person. While I am very comfortable talking to people one on one, or even giving presentations, I have always been intimidated to go over to people I do not know and introduce myself Given my role in the business world, I knew that I had to get beyond that. I've made a concerted effort to put myself out there and meet new people. While it can be intimidating to do so, I don't think anyone notices that I am uncomfortable sometimes and I've made some great new connections.

8. When was the last time you were angry?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to learn how you manage your emotions on the job and if you can maintain your professionalism.

Strategy: Acknowledge the question. Do not try to say that you never get angry but provide a relevant example and share what you learned from it.

Sample answer: As a professional, I try to stay away from being angry at a co-worker or a client. Sometimes, someone may do something upsetting but I try to manage my emotions. One example does come to mind though. Early in my career, I shared a cubicle with someone in a similar capacity to me. As a worker, I tend to be all-in about my work and being a professional. This person was just about the opposite. He would be on inappropriate websites, make personal phone calls and even fall asleep when we were asked to meet with clients. The last part was especially upsetting as it was not only him acting unprofessionally; it was becoming a reflection on me. Eventually, he was caught for his behavior while I was able to take on additional responsibilities and move away from my association with him.

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 3

5. What is your definition of failure?

Why this question is being asked: Working in a job is all about meeting objectives. The interviewer wants to understand how you judge things like success and failure.

Strategy: Provide some insight into your working style in a way that would be appealing for the interviewer.

Sample answer: To me, failure is not even trying. Sometimes there are opportunities given by a supervisor that one can take if he or she is willing to take on the challenge. Many people are so afraid of failure that they are afraid to even try challenging assignments. Failure is not trying something and it not working out. For me, not trying something out of my comfort zone would be the failure.

6. What are your regrets?

Why this question is being asked: Not everything will go your way all of the time and the interviewer needs to understand how you will handle it when things don't go right.

Strategy: Acknowledge the question. Provide a regret you may have that is relevant to the job and what you may have learned from it.

Sample answer: I am not the type of person who normally focuses on things like regret as we all make mistakes. It is important to acknowledge those mistakes but then move on. If I did have to focus on one answer, I would say that I regret not being more open to opportunities early in my career. When I was in college, I was laser-focused as to what type of job I wanted. I had the industry, role and even the location all planned out. When I received a call for an interview and it was in an outer borough, I declined the interview because it wasn't what I wanted exactly. I've learned not to be so closed minded to opportunity. In fact, I've become used to commuting for over an hour!

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 2

3. How would someone who dislikes you describe you? 

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to understand how you deal with a question that is unexpected and makes you acknowledge that you are not perfect.

Strategy: Acknowledge the answer. Do not try and avoid it by saying, "Everyone likes me". Be cautious not to provide anything negative about yourself but think of different work styles and why someone with a conflicting work style may not like you.

Sample answer: Wow. That is a good question as I normally would not focus on negative thoughts or think about people not liking me in a professional context but if I had to give an answer, I would say, "I don't like working with him as I like to take things as they come and charge into a problem and he likes to think things through too much. He likes to create a plan and analyze the situation thoroughly before diving in and that is frustrating to me.

4. What was your biggest failure?

Why this question is being asked: Not everything will go your way all of the time and the interviewer wants to understand how you will handle it when things don't go right.

Strategy: Acknowledge the question. Do not try and avoid it by saying, "I have never failed". Provide a relevant failure and explain what you have learned from it that makes you a better professional today.

Sample answer: Early in my career, I overextended myself to grow my professional capabilities. I was working full time and also attending a master's program at night and on the weekends. It was manageable until received a promotion at work. I felt overwhelmed and left the master's program at the end of the semester. It felt like a failure because I could have given it more time to work out the responsibilities. I've learned to consider things more carefully before making any final decisions. As an aside, I've just restarted my master's and things are going really well!