Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 17

39. Do you have a favorite quote? What is it?

Why this question is being asked: By requesting your favorite quote, the interviewer will be able to gain better insight into the type of person you are.

Strategy: Quotes can be quite powerful. What you interpret a quote to mean can be quite different from what someone else thinks it means. Be careful to select something that is not too revealing personally or shows a leaning towards controversial opinions. If possible, select something about leadership or a strong work ethic. Explain why you selected it and what it means to you.

Sample answer: I heard this one as a teenager when I was still trying to figure out what I wanted to be. It is a quote by Bruce Springsteen, "My parents always told me to get a little something for myself. What they didn't know was, was that I wanted everything". It inspired me to reach higher for my goals and not to settle. I knew that it wouldn't be easy but if I maintained a strong work ethic, I could achieve what I wanted.

40. Who is your role model and why? Why this question is being asked: As the interviewer does not know you, he/she wants to understand what made you the person that you are.

Strategy: Provide an example of a family member, friend or mentor who served as a role model to you through his or her work ethic and dedication to a task.

Sample answer: It would be difficult not to be inspired by one's parents. Thankfully, mine served as great role models for me. In addition to dedicating their free time to their children, they have a tremendous work ethic. My father would wake up extra early to get to work earlier in order to put in extra hours so that he could get home in time to see his kids. If need be, he returned to work after we had gone to bed.

41. Who do you respect? Why? Why this question is being asked: Part of any job is showing respect for the people that you work with and the employer wants to understand if you are respectful of others.

Strategy: Explain that you are respectful of everybody and can work with anybody as opposed to someone needing to earn your respect.

Sample answer: I think it is important to respect everybody. Although some people might appear more accomplished than others, and more worthy of respect, we don't know everyone's story and how they got to be who they are. When we start on an even playing ground of respecting everybody, without feeling that someone has to earn our respect first, we are more likely to create stronger bonds and better working relationships.


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