Friday, June 24, 2022

Winning Answer to 500 Interview Questions - Page 30

86. Tell me about a problem you solved in a unique way. What was the outcome?

Why this question is being asked: Every job has problems that have to be solved and the interviewer wants to know how you have taken a unique approach to solving them in the past.

Strategy: Provide a problem facing your company that you helped to solve and the unique approach that you used. Describe something that would be relevant to the job you are applying for.

Sample answer: Due to some executive management mistakes in the past, my company had the perception of being a regionally based service provider. Since there was no budget to create an advertising campaign, I utilized my knowledge of social media to spread the word and gain traction in other markets. It was successful and the company now has accounts far outside of the region.

87. Tell me about a time when you made a decision without all the information you needed.

Why this question is being asked: Every job requires you to make judgment calls based on not having complete information. The interviewer wants to understand how you've handled it before in order to understand how you may handle it in the future.

Strategy: Provide an example of a decision you had to make that is relevant to the job you are applying for. Explain the whole process: What decision you had to make and why, how it turned out and what was the end result.

Sample answer: In the ecommerce space, we have to make predictions as to which items will be in demand for the holiday buying season. We look at historical sales figures and interest in products to prognosticate but it can be hard to know. Normally, it has worked out fine but some years it doesn't. The first couple of years I was involved, we took a hit but I was able to build in better metrics to look from our mistakes and improve for the future.

88. How frequent do you add contacts to your address book?

Why this question is being asked: Building connections and networking is an essential part of almost any business. The interviewer wants to understand how you establish and build your network.

Strategy: Explain how you build and nurture relationships effectively.

Sample answer: Every day. What's great about technology is that I can use a virtual address book or a networking site like LinkedIn to build my connections. Almost anyone is appropriate to add, I just have to manage that new relationship effectively. I create categories to remind me of who this person is and keep notes to effectively manage the relationship and stay in touch to build the relationship.


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