Friday, June 24, 2022

Career Village

In this presentation, we will learn about some of the careers that existed in the area of business, health, medicine and technology.

You will also learn about career village, why career village is important, and how to use it.

And finally you will learn how to register an account with career village, so you can start asking question about your favorite career.

What kinds of careers can you pursue in the area of business?

Venture capital is an example of a career in the area of business, you might not have thought of. Venture capitalist is someone who invests in (gives money to) start-ups (early stage businesses) in exchange for owning part of that start-up. They make money when the start-up is sold or goes public.

What kind of careers can you pursue in health and medicines?

Research Technician is an example of a career in the area of health and medicine, you may not have thought of. A research technician is someone who operates the equipment in research laboratories and monitors the progress and results of scientific experiments.

What kinds of careers can you pursue in technology?

User experience designer is an example of a career you can pursue in the field of technology. A user experience designer is someone who enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty by improving the usability and pleasure in the interaction between the customer and the product.

Class Discussion

Why is it important to talk about and conduct research on career that interest you now? You can pause the audio and think about the question for a moment. Try answering the question by writing down some of the idea on a piece of paper and discuss it with your instructor and classmates.

Career village is a community where students can get free personalized career advice from real life professionals. Once you've signed up a free account and completed your profile on career village, you can start posting your question in the forum and someone will reply back to you in the next day or two. Some time you can even get an answer within the same day you posted the question. When you got a reply from a professional in the field, make sure to reply back with a thank you message.

User Experience Designer on Career Village is Vivian Urata. Vivian got her degree from San Jose State University. She is currently working for Linked In, Collegia Inc., and Toastmasters International as user experience designer while volunteering her time by using her technology skills to enhance career village user experience.

A note from Vivian

I love anything technology and fashion, but more importantly I love giving back. That's why I volunteer on Career Village! I want to tell you that I was exactly where you are now years ago. College and career might seem like the big unknown, but really you have full power of your future. The fact that you are searching for those answers, already pushed you one step closer toward your dreams. Dream big, Vivian.

Click here to view the video on Question Types and Examples on Career Village

Venture Capitalist on Career is Scott Yaphe. Scott got his degree from Harvard School of Business. Scott, is currently the managing director at Schooner Capital, a private investment firm founded in 1971. He focuses on investment opportunities in venture and growth-stage companies as well as alternative asset funds in marketable securities.

Example questions you can ask on the Career Village website

  • What are the different job options for mechanical engineers?
  • What kinds of careers are there for people  who are creative?
  • How did you go about becoming a journalist?
  • What does a neuroscience researcher do on a day to day basis?
  • How much education is needed to become an entrepreneur?
  • What careers are a good fit if I like solving complex puzzles?

Checklist before asking questions

Did you browse through related topics to see whether there are existing questions & answers related to your interests?

Did you search for key terms related to your interests to see if questions have already been asked or answers given?

Did you carefully read responses given to related questions to make sure your question has not already been answered?

Is your title in the form of a question? The title should be your question, and it should end with a question mark.

Did you provide background on what you already know so the professional answering your question can tailor her or his response to you?

Did you make sure not to include any personal information, such as full name, and home address?

Did you tag your question with relevant topics?

NOTE: the more relevant tags you enter, the faster you’ll get a response. Think carefully about how you are tagging your question. If your tag has more than one word (Example: “career path”) add a dash between the words (“career-path”)

Did you use appropriate language and check spelling and grammar? Write in complete sentences. Avoid slang, text-ese, text-speak, profanity.

What to do when you get an answer

You will receive an e-mail when someone provides an answer to your question. Usually you will get an answer in 1-2 days.

Be sure to thank the professional volunteers for their response by commenting on their answer.

If you do not understand the answer or something in the answer, ask for clarification by commenting on their answer. For example – you can ask what a particular word means, or you can ask for specific examples

If the answer makes you think of a new question, ask the new question separately. Do not ask the new question as a comment because it makes it more difficult for other students to find your question.


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