Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 18

42. Tell me about someone you admire and why?

Why this question is being asked: As the interviewer does not know you, he/she wants to understand what made you the person that you are.

Strategy: Provide an example of a mentor who has inspired you through his or her work ethic and dedication to a task.

Sample answer: My first supervisor, Jane Riley, was an inspiration for me. She has a tremendous moral compass. If something appeared morally questionable, she taught us to lean towards the right thing to do. She was right as it strengthened our relationship with clients and benefited everyone in the end.

43. What unique experiences separate you from other candidates?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to know why you should be hired instead of someone else.

Strategy: Focus on building yourself up, instead of knocking others down. This is your chance give the strongest pitch possible for yourself.

Sample answer: I can't speak for the other candidates but I know why I'd be a great fit for this job. I am the right choice because I have a 15 year track record of taking on progressively responsible roles in the field, exceeding objectives and growing the business. I have always been counted on to represent my company, train others and assist wherever needed. I continue to learn and improve my skills by taking advantage of any relevant continuing education opportunities. Although I have a history of success, l am still hungry to meet new goals and overcome challenges. I've followed your company closely for many years and I know that we can be partners together in success.

44. What kind of person would you refuse to work with?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to know who you will be able to work with successfully and who you will not.

Strategy: Show openness to working with everybody. If there are difficult personalities, explain why that may be challenging but bow you'd make it work.

Sample answer: As l am not the CEO, it is not my choice to say that I will or will not work with someone. I will always do my best to make it work. Now, are there difficult personalities to deal with in any job? Sure. Who would I prefer not to work with? If I had to say, the two types of people that come to mind are those who are know-it-alls and those who are liars. It is difficult to have open communication with either type of person. But I would trust that the company put them in their roles because they contribute to the organization and I'd figure out a way to make it work. The most important thing is open communication and when I encounter a problem, I'd ask for open dialogue to clear the air.


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