Friday, June 3, 2022

Winning Answer to 500 Interview Questions - Page 27

68. What experience in your life has taught you the most?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer wants to understand a part of what made you the person that you are.

Strategy: Focus on a particular challenge that you overcame and what you learned from it. If possible, discuss something that would be relevant to the job you are interviewing for.

Sample answer: Becoming a father has really helped to put my life in perspective. It has taught me to take a more serious approach to my personal life and helped me to focus better on my professional life as well. Time is the most important commodity that we have and I try to maximize my time, both personally and professionally.

69. Who do you contact and communicate with on a regular basis, and for what purpose?

Why this question is being asked: Who you know and interact with is a reflection on you. The interviewer wants to know who makes up your network.

Strategy: Focus on your ability to maintain strong professional contacts throughout your career. Demonstrate that you are a professional that is always willing to take advice from others in order to learn.

Sample answer: Professionally, I am in regular contact with my first supervisor and my co-workers from that time. They were so generous in allowing me to learn from them and I often lean on them for advice. What has been especially rewarding is being in the position to assist them as well. lam glad not only to ask for help but be able to help as well.

70. What types of people do you get along with and why.

Why this question is being asked: Working in a job is often a collaborative experience. The interviewer wants to know what type of people you work with best.

Strategy: Provide examples that show you can get along with most people in any sort of environment.

Sample answer: The best types of people to work with are honest, open communicators who are willing to work together to achieve our objectives. I believe that I can get along with everybody, no matter what their background or experience level. Since my first job, I've worked with people who were my age up to people in their senior years and we all got along great. I have respect for others and lam always willing to do what is needed to succeed.


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