Thursday, June 2, 2022

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 20

48. What are the most important rewards you expect in your career?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer would like to know what motivates you and will make you happy in a job.

Strategy: Don't focus only on the financial rewards. Provide examples of what will make you happy on a job that would fit best with the interests of the company.

Sample answer: Of course financial reward is important, but there are other rewards I value as well. I know that when I contribute to a company's success, financial reward follows. But I also see opportunity to gain additional responsibilities as a reward because it means that my employer values my potential to contribute further. I also appreciate being part of a team that is recognized for its achievements.

49. What are your best skills?

Why this question is being asked: Weighing the skills that you hiring to the table is an important part of the decision making process for the interviewer.

Strategy: Focus on the skills that would be most appropriate for the job for which you are interviewing. You don't want to simply name your skills as if you are writing a grocery list. Instead, take this opportunity to explain your proficiency in utilizing each skill on the job.

Sample answer: I am a great communicator. I can present my ideas well in-person, in writing and through social media. I've worked hard to sharpen those skills because I feel that the value of a great idea is lost if I can't present it in a way that others can understand. lama real team player. There is no room for a "me first" attitude in the workplace and we all have to work together in order to meet objectives. Once I've completed my work, I'll walk around my department and ask my co-workers if there is anything I can do to help contribute.

50. What is the most difficult adjustment you have ever had to make?

Why this question is being asked: Change is constant in the workplace and the interviewer wants to know how you have handled it.

Strategy: Provide an example of change relevant to the job you are applying for. Explain what the challenge was, what you did to overcome it and what the end result was.

Sample answer: Change can be difficult but I am always ready to embrace it. In my industry, an important skill to have is the ability to engage clients one-on-one and build rapport in order to strengthen relationships. My company asked all the people in our division to cease all in-person meetings and do what we needed to do on the phone and on the computer. It was challenging at first to find a rapport without meeting face to face. As I shifted into relying on new methods of communication, I soon created fresh strategies for starting conversations with potential clients remotely. In the end, I've been able to interact with more clients using the new strategy and I find that I'm now able to engage clients as well remotely as I have in-person.


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