Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Winning Answers to 500 Interview Questions - Page 19

45. What are your short-range goals and objectives, when and why did you establish these goals and how are you preparing yourself to achieve them?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer would like to determine if your goals match the company goals.

Strategy: Consider the job you are applying for and provide an answer that would be appropriate for someone in that role.

Sample answer: I'd like to move from my role as a Media Buyer into a Senior Media Buyer. This will allow me to meet some of my short range goals of contributing more dynamically to a company, learning more about the buying side of the business and also having an opportunity to train and mentor junior employees.

46. Give me an example of an important goal that you set in the past and tell me about your success in reaching it.

Why this question is being asked: Being able to reach your goals is an important part of any job. How you've done in the past is being used as a predictor for how you may do in the future.

Strategy: Describe a goal that you were successful in achieving. Provide a description of how you went about achieving that goal, including challenges you overcame and the end result.

Sample answer: A goal of mine was to secure business meetings with 500 marketing managers over the course of one year in order to introduce them to our new web tool. The challenge was that no one at my company had been able to have meetings with more than 200 people in a year and there was a limited travel budget. I created a plan that helped to maximize my time and overall reach. Utilizing new technologies like, I was able to interact with my target audience one on one without leaving the office as much, saving valuable time. When I did leave the office, I would use a relevant conference as a geographic hub and meet with as many people as possible there. I would then travel around the conference location and meet with people who were local, so I didn't have to make a separate trip. Also, to build up my contacts, I asked each person that I met with to introduce me to someone else. Not only did I reach my goal but I exceeded it as I ended up meeting with 540 marketing managers last year.

47. What do you really want to do in life?

Why this question is being asked: The interviewer is trying to determine if this job fits into your overall plan. It is helpful for understanding how happy, and ultimately how successful, you will be.

Strategy: Place your answer within the context of the job you are applying for. Create an overall impression of what you want to do in life and how this job will help you get there.

Sample answer: I've always loved the field of advertising. The exact role isn't as important to me as the opportunity to get involved in various aspects of the business including the creative side. This role will be a great opportunity to contribute what I know, learn more, improve my track record and hopefully take on additional responsibility.


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