Thursday, October 7, 2021

Attendance Policy for CPP Class

Your attendance and participation is crucial to your success here at Job Corps. It is important that you attend class on time everyday to prevent accumulating unauthorized absences. Please see the chart below to get an understanding on how unauthorized absent (UA day) works.

Number of Hours Missed  Equivalent Number of UA Days
Up to 5 hours of missed  1 UA Days
6-8 hours missed  2 UA Days
9-11 hours missed   3 UA Days
12-15 hours missed   4 UA Days
 More than 15 hours missed  5 UA Days

Every week the student is accountable for 40 hours of participation (unless there is an all day staff training day for that week) than the hour the student are accountable for will be less. But your instructor will tell you that when there is an all day staff training on that week.   

Any student who have accumulated 13 UA days, the center will automatically separates the student from the program and the student will have to wait at least one year to be able to re-enroll back into the program.

In order to remove a UA day for a particular week, you must ask your instructor what assignment you need to complete for that week then you must complete the assignments on your own time and let your instructor knows that you have completed the assignment so the UA day can be removed.

If you missed or were late to the class, you have until Saturday midnight to complete your assignment. Any late assignments that are not completed by midnight on Saturday, the UA day will remain permanently.

If you are logged in into the Google classroom and you decided to walk away from your computer without telling the instructor where you are going or when you will be back, that will also be counted as a UA day. So please remember to let your instructor knows what is happening to prevent getting a UA day. 

If you are unable to attend class because there is an emergency you have to go to, make sure you reached out to your instructor the day before or on the day you are not planning to show up to class to be excuse from the absent.

If you have to go to the doctor or an appointment that you cannot miss, make sure to bring back a note from the doctor office to be excuse for the day that you missed the class.


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