Monday, February 21, 2022

Typing Training

Typing Trainer is a web course that teaches you the efficient touch-type method. As a result you can double your typing speed and eventually type as fluently as you speak.

With our step-by-step approach you will learn the core keyboarding skills in web in just four hours - after that you're ready to use your new skill in everyday work. There's also over five hours of additional material covering speed building, numbers, symbols and more.

How to complete this assignment:

1. Click on the link above where it says "Typing Training"

2. Complete each lesson starting with lesson one.

3. After each lesson you completed, there will be a score card on your screen.

4. Take a screenshot of your scorecard by following this guide here

5. Save the scorecard to your Chromebook as you completed the lessons.

6. Submit all of the typing lessons to your instruction using this link.


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