Tuesday, July 12, 2022

CPP Fast Track Check List

This document is for any student that already has a GED or High School Diploma and would like to be considered for track through the CPP class. Student are required to complete all of the requirements in this document before it can be submitted to the counselor.

  1. TABE Scores: Math and Reading
  2. High School Diploma / GED
  3. Trade Shadow: A. B. and C.
  4. Copy of Resume, Cover Letter and Thank you letter
  5. CPP Center Support / Work base learning assignment completed
  6. CS-Set
  7. 200 words essay: Why I feel I should be fast tracked?
  8. 3 short and 3 long term SMART Goals and how I will achieve them. (Must be typed)
  9. ESP Panel
  10. Documentation submitted for CPP requirements 

Click here to download the CPP Fast Track Form


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