CPP Assignments

NOTE: All of the assignments with the * sign must be downloaded either to your Chromebook or your Google Drive before you can edit it. I recommend making a copy of it to your Google Drive by clicking on the assignment link then go to File and select Make a Copy (inside Google Doc), to copy it to your Google Drive so you can edit it and turn it in once you are done. You must ask your instructor how he or she wants you to turn in the assignments. Every instructor has a different way for student to turn in their assignments.

Week One

1. Ice Breaker: Introducing Yourself | About yourself

2. Panel Practice - Quiz

3. The VARK Questionnaire

4. Personal Style Assessment CSS: Personal Growth & Development Turn In

5. Typing Assignment Activity | Typing Course - (Ask your instructor)

6. Reflection CSS: Personal Growth & Development

7. Ethics Crossword Puzzle Turn In

8. Exercise CSS: Interpersonal Skills and Leadership Turn In

9. Hartman personality Profile CSS: Personal Growth & Development Turn In

10. Learning Style Inventory Quiz

11. S.M.A.R.T. Goals Turn In

12. Reflection CSS: What does success mean to you? What goals will you have to reach in order to be successful? Is success a destination or journey?

13. What do you think "Your mind is the most powerful jail! on Earth" means? Reflection CSS: Personal Growth & Development

14. Why We Need To Follow Directions Turn In

15. Internet Search Activity

16. 5 Minutes Personality Test * | Tool | Turn In - To complete this assignment you must first download the document to your Chromebook, use the tool provided to complete the assignment, and turn it in using the Turn In link above or submit it via Google Classroom as instructed by your instructor.

**Mental Health Meeting (Wednesday at 9AM) - Everyone meet in Ms. Townsel virtual classroom.

**First CMT Meeting (Wednesday at 10AM) - Motivational Quotes, Meet the CPP team, Talk about the 8 Career Success Standards. 

17. Career Success Standards Power Point Presentation - Choose one of the CSS, create a power point presentation, with 5 slides as per the instruction below.

Slide 1 - Your Name, Title, Date

Slide 2 - The CSS you chose, with the definition

Slide 3 - Show first example of the CSS you chose

Slide 4 - Show second example of the CSS you chose

Slide 5 - Show third example of the CSS you chose

Submit your Power Point to the Google classroom under Week 2 Monday Career Success Standards Assignment

This assignment must be completed and ready to present on Wednesday at 10AM of Week 2NO EXCUSES. An automatic minor infraction will be given for not having this completed on time. 

18. Create a Discussion Board Account - This step has to be completed before you can do assignment number 48.

19. Discussion Board Assignment #1 (Complete any of the discussion board assignment under CPP Assignment. Make sure to initial your name after the post to earn credit for completing it.)


Week Two

**Mental Health Meeting (Wednesday at 9AM) - Everyone meet in Ms. Townsel virtual classroom.

**Second CMT Meeting (Wednesday at 10AM) - Motivational Quotes, CSS presentation, and Men/Women/Asian History Month assignment. 

Video Assignments #1 Complete any one of the video assignment in your Google classroom (Ask the instructor for the password)

MyPACE | MyPACE Nagivation & How To

Discussion Board Assignment #2 (Complete any of the discussion board assignment, different from the previous oneMake sure to initial your name after the post to earn credit for completing it.)

Technology Labeling and Terminology

Week Three

**Mental Health Meeting (Wednesday at 9AM) - Everyone meet in Ms. Townsel virtual classroom.

**Third CMT Meeting (Wednesday at 10AM) - Motivational Quote, Men/Women/Asian History Month Presentation, and Conflict Management.

MyPACE MyPACE Nagivation & How To

Recognizing & Addressing Bias (Reading) | Individual Assignment | Group Project - Due Wednesday at 10 AM during CMT meeting.

Week Four

Email your instructor your three trade choices (Monday):

Culinary  Arts, Medical Admin, Office Admin, Security, Carpentry, Building Construction Tech.

Career Success Standards Essay - Any student that did not pass the CPP class on their 6th week, needs to complete this before they can move on to their trade.

Instructor: Forward the trade choices to the trade instructors and make sure to include the senior counselor and the CPP counselor.

MyPACE MyPACE Nagivation & How To

**Mental Health Meeting (Wednesday at 9AM) - Everyone meet in Ms. Townsel virtual classroom.

**Fourth CMT meeting (Wednesday at 10AM) - Motivational Quotes, Finish up Men/Women/Asian presentation, and Vision Board overview.

Vision Board - Click the link to see an example of a completed vision board. You can use this example to create your own. Submit your Vision Board Power Point presentation here OR in the Google classroom depending on where your CPP instructor wants you to submit it.

Study the CSS and know all 8 Career Success Standards. You will be tested on the 8 Career Success Standards during your transition panel.

Study the Five Phases of CDSS. You will be tested on the Five Phases of CDSS during your transition panel.

Week Five

Even though this week is your trade shadow week, you still have the responsibility of completing the assignments in your CPP class, so make sure you complete them as instructed below. 

Trade Shadow week - You will attend your trade class virtually or in physical classroom depending on what your trade instructor told you. Most likely it will be virtual, so make sure to check your email the day before to find a Google meet link, so you can be in the class on time the next morning. (Being late without a good reason will affects your evaluation)

If you do not see an email with a Google meet link the day before, check it again the next day before 8AM. If you still did not receive a Google meet link the next morning, on the day you are supposed to trade shadow, call/text your CPP instructor right away.

Mr. Nguyen616-439-0307
Mr. Madison616-965-3840
Ms. Townsel616-965-3834

Make sure to complete all trade assignments, assigned by your trade instructor because it will affects your evaluation during the transition panel.

MyPACE (must be 100 percent completed by the end of Thursday) MyPACE Nagivation & How To

Instructor: Email CPP counselor to let them know the student has completed their MyPACE and ready for Transition Panel on Monday.

**Fifth CMT Meeting (Wednesday at 10AM) - Motivational Quotes, Vision Board presentation, Career Success Standards practice.

Instructor & Student: Sign Career Plan (Instructor, remember to approve the students Career Plan in MyPACE before the student can sign.)

Instructor: Acknowledge student ETAR before they can continue

Student: Acknowledge Student ETAR

Instructor: Upload student Career Plan to E-Folder in CIS by the end of the day on Friday.

Week Six

Transition Panel meeting with CPP counselor, CPP and trade instructors. (Make sure you are ready to name all eight Career Success Standards, and the five phases of CDSS including the 4 Career Pathways.)

Resume Design - Watch the video and use any of the InDesign alternative software to design a resume. (Ask the instructor for the password)

OR use the template below to create a resume. (Ask your instructor which assignment he/she wants you to do)

Resume building Template #1 | Resume Building Template #2 (choose one)

Cover Letter | Thank You Letter

Discussion Board Assignment #3 (Complete any of the discussion board assignment, different from the previous one. Make sure to initial your name after the post to earn credit for completing it.)

**Mental Health Meeting (Wednesday at 9AM) - Everyone meet in Ms. Townsel virtual classroom.

**Sixth CMT Meeting (Wednesday at 10AM) - Motivational Quotes, Wrap up all Vision Board presentation.

Video Assignment #2 - Complete any one of the video assignment in your Google classroom. Make sure it is different from the Video Assignment #1 (Ask the instructor for the password)  

How Money Works - Listen to the audiobook

Work Ethics & Work Excellence - Watch the PowerPoint and listen to the audio.

Interpersonal Skills - Watch the PowerPoint and Listen to the audio

English Grammar Master Course (Ask the instructor for the password)

English Grammar Boot Camp (Ask the instructor for the password)