Friday, September 24, 2021

Pumpkin Pie Foot Scrub

Pumpkins are a nutrient-rich winter squash that offer an array of benefits for the skin. When blended into a smooth pulp, also known as a pure, pumpkins transform into a creamy consistency that can be easily applied to the body. Pumpkin puree, when accompanied with Dead Sea salt, extra virgin olive oil, vegetable glycerin, and cinnamon powder, creates a foot treatment that sloughs away dead skin and nourishes the cracked and hardened skin often found on the bottoms and sides of our feet.

The wonderful thing about this DIY scrub, even if you are a complete stranger to the kitchen, is that you can effortlessly make a beautiful recipe crafted from seasonal ingredients that is just as scrumptious as any pastry dessert.


  • Bowl
  • 1 cup Dead Sea salt
  • 1/4 cup organic extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 TB. organic pumpkin puree
  • 1 tsp. organic vegetable glycerin
  • 1 tsp. organic cinnamon powder
  • Spoon/Whisk
  • Airtight container

In a bowl, combine the Dead Sea salt, organic extra virgin olive oil, organic pumpkin puree, organic vegetable glycerin, and organic cinnamon powder. Stir with a spoon or whisk to combine the ingredients. Transfer to a sterilized airtight  container, and label the scrub with the contents and date of creation. you can store the scrub in the refrigerator for up to one week. To use, simply dampen your feet with water and place a large spoonful of the pumpkin pie foot scrub onto each foot. Scrub your feet using gentle circular motions, focusing on areas where your skin may be cracked or dry. Rinse off with warm water.


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