Friday, January 21, 2022

Behavior Management Program

This center will operate with a Behavior Management Program that will provide you opportunities to change inappropriate behavior and provide for a safe center for students and staff. Students need guidance while adjusting to the program. Our behavior management program is designed to help you interact appropriately with each other and staff during your period of enrollment in the program.

It is important to remember that all students must follow these standards while on-center and off-center. As a student, you should remember that rules and regulations are not made for staff to find faults with you. They are guidelines to assist you in becoming employable. You are responsible for your own individual behavior. As students' progress through the program.



Every student enrolled in the Job Corps Program has the right to an environment free of violence, drugs, and harassment. Therefore, all Job Corps Centers follow a mandated "Zero Tolerance" policy. Zero Tolerance means a student that displays behavior that does not coincide with the center's norms or Job Corps program enrollment expectations will be immediately separated from the program if found guilty. This usually involves direct violations of drugs and violence policy. All acts of violence and/or threats of violence, harassment or intimidation will be immediately confronted and addressed. This include possession, distribution and use of drugs. The GRFJCC works togethers as a team to reach that goal. Every staff member on Center is expected to address any behavior that could potentially cause safety or security concerns on center.

Whenever necessary, local, state or federal law enforcement authorities may be called in to help investigate, solve, or file charges on crimes that occur on center. Appropriate SIR procedures and followed if authorities arrive on centers.

Incident reports for negative behavior are categorized by the Department of Labor (DOL), also can be found and defined in the PRH, Exhibit 3-1 and Exhibit 3-1 as follows:

ZERO TOLLERANCE LEVEL 1 is a result of an extremely egregious offense and requires a mandatory Fact-Finding Board (FFB): These offenses will result in an FFB hearing within 3 training days. The infractions listed below will result in immediate removal from the center and the student's loss of the right to appear before the FFB earing. In addition, a Significant Incident Report (SIR) is required to be submitted within 24 hours for all incident listed below:
  • Possession of a weapon on center or under center supervision
  • Assault, Threat of Assault, Threat of Safety, Sexual Assault
  • Drugs: Possession or distribution of drugs on center or under center supervision
  • Drugs: Use if drugs as evidenced by a positive drug test
  • Alcohol: Possession, consumption, or distribution while on center or under center supervision, Abuse of Alcohol
  • Arrest for a felony or violent misdemeanor on or off center, Illegal Activity
  • Robbery or extortion, Arson, Cruelty to Animals
ZERO TOLLERANCE LEVEL 2 Offenses are a result of a serious incident and will require a mandatory FFB. These offenses will result in an FFB within 5 training days. There is a presumption that students who commit these offenses will be terminated. If the student is considered a threat or disruptive to themselves or other, the student(s) involved may be removed from the center at the discretion of the Center Director (CD)/designee. In addition, some of these incidents will require an SIR within 24 hours of the center being made aware of the incident. Incidents listed below:
  • Possession of stolen goods; Possession of a potentially dangerous item
  • Bullying or harassment, Sexual harassment, False accusation
  • Inciting a disturbance or creating disorder
  • Intoxication on center or under center supervision
  • Unfair money lending, Hazing or initiation, Gang representation or activity
  • Vandalism, Plagiarism, Cheating, Bringing disrepute to the program
  • Arrest for a non-violent misdemeanor on or off center
  • Pattern of minor infractions, Unauthorized Exit.
Center Standards Office will be only staff member that will enter the Level 1 and Level 2 infractions into the Center Information System (CIS) to ensure proper investigation has been conducted. 


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