Thursday, July 1, 2021

Navigating Google Classroom

In order to be successful in our class, it is important that you understand how to use the tools in the Google classroom. In this tutorial, you will learn the basics of navigating the Google classroom and learn to find the tools you will most likely use during our class. 

The toolbar. When you entered the Google classroom, you will notice there is a toolbar in the middle at the bottom of your screen. These are the tool you will be using almost every day in class. 

Starting from left to right:

1. Microphone - This tool allows you to turn on and off your microphone so you can talk and mute yourself during class when needed.

2. Camera - This option allows you to turn on and off your webcam. When the instructor asked you to turn on your webcam so they can see if you are in class, this is the button you have to click on.

3. CC - This is the caption button. You will almost never use this in class but it is an option available for you if you need it. 

4. Hand - The hand button allows you to raise your hand so you can speak in class. This option is good to use when everyone is talking and you would like to say something just click on this to let everyone knows you want to say something.

5. Up Arrow - This button has three options under it, but the only option you will be using is the one that says Your entire screen. The Your entire screen allows you to share your computer screen with your instructor and classmates. 

6. Three verticle dots - This button has several options under it. You will rarely use this during our class but it is an optional tool you can use to enhance your learning.

7. To the right side of the toolbar that is located in the middle, you will see four different icons. In our class, we will only be using the two icons in the middle as you can see below. The icon that looks like a person is to let you view everyone that is currently in class. The icon to the right of that is to chat icon. This icon allows you to type your and send your message to everyone or a specific person in the class. The chat icon is good to share links to a website, phone numbers to other contact information. 


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