Tuesday, July 6, 2021

College Questions and Answers

When do I enroll in college?

The student usually starts the enrolling process 2-3 months before the semester begins, so start the enrollment as soon as you can. I recommend beginning the enrollment process from June - July so you can begin the Fall semester as smoothly as possible. 

How do I start the process of enrolling in Grand Rapids Community College?

1. Register an online account at GRCC here

2. Use this website to contact Enrollment Center to check on your application status in a few days.

3. Log in to your GRCC student web portal and schedule to complete the placement test or go here and follow the instruction.

When do I apply for financial aid?

The financial aid deadline is August but you should apply as early as possible just in case you have to go back into the form and update any necessary changes. If you are applying for Financial Aid for classes in the Fall, you should try and complete your FAFSA by June 30 which is in the summertime, so the school can have enough time to get that money and pay for your class. 

Do I need to meet with my advisor?

Yes and No depending on what you already know. When I was in college especially at GRCC I never meet with my advisor even once because I know exactly what class I needed to take and you can too by looking at the college career catalog. The only time you really need to talk to your advisor is when you have changed major or English is not your primary language and you need the advisor to let you know which class you should take first so you can be more efficient in English before getting into a class that will require you to write and speak a lot.

If you are planning on going to a university after your associate degree then you would need to talk to your advisor at the university to know exactly what class you need to take to graduate at a four years institution because university courses can be confusing and some classes do expire, meaning if you take a class today it could be expired in a year or two which will require you to take another class in place of that one which can cause you to delay your graduation date that is why it is important to see an advisor if you are planning to go to a university.

What do I need to know in my first year of college?

Learn how to navigate Blackboard because most or all of your assignments will be on here depending on what class you are taking. The Blackboard is also a place where you can directly communicate with your professors. Most professors will not accept an email if it did not come from Blackboard. So make sure you know Blackboard very well. Blackboard can also be used to communicate with your classmates as well so you can share information if you happened to be in a class that has group projects.

Know how to navigate the student home page, because, on the student home page, you can do things like add/drop a class, look at a to-do list, academic records, financial aid, take the placement test, look at your bill, and profile.

Read the syllabus from top to bottom and do not skim through it because the syllabus contains information like assignment due dates, service offered by the college, class textbook information, and much other important information to help you succeed in class. Many students skim through the syllabus and later ask the professor questions that were already answered in the syllabus.

Get into the habit of turning things in earlier than the deadline because you never know something might happen at the last minute which will prevent you from turning in your assignment and receiving a zero. College is not as forgiving as high school or trade school. Some professor will allow you to turn in a late assignment for a penalty while other will just give you a zero for being late and yes 1 minute is also considered late.

Purchase textbooks online or in the bookstore?

If the class you are taking required a textbook, try looking online first for a cheaper price than what is being sold at the bookstore because chances are you will never look at the textbook ever again after the class is over so you might as well buy it for the lowest price possible, unless you are taking a class that required a textbook to be purchase at the bookstore because it is being made by the college than you would have no choice but to buy it at the bookstore. This happens usually when the book contains some kind of code that goes with the textbook in order to log in to a system to complete your assignment. Buying textbook online usually do not come with the code unless the book is universal meaning every college uses the same textbook for the class then you can buy it online.

Should I buy that new stuff I been wanting all this time using my Financial Aid refund?

Having money to buy the things you want feels great especially when the money was given to you but you need to know that saving money while you are in college and delaying gratification can help you tremendously after you graduated from college and the reason I say this is because if you are planning to go to a university, you might have to take out a loan and if you save the money that you got from the financial aid refund, you can use that money toward paying back your loan. So before you go out and spend that refund money, ask yourself do you really need this right now.

If you are not planning to go to a four years college, you can put that money in an investment account and let it grow over five years, chances are it will double or even triple the amount you started with.


Going to collage it will make more improve for what i learn.But FAFSA is something that take long to get, until you get like 85% for passing the Test, of course is more easier getting FAFSA

how much more money can you make doing 4 years then 2

That totally depends on your income and your parent income when you are in college. FAFSA can be very easy to get if you are low income and many students are because they are going to school.

That totally depends on the career you chose. For example when I got my Bachelor degree in IT, my first job was around 17 dollars an hour but after getting my master's degree I increased my pay by teaching IT at a university to more than double what I would make with a Bachelor. But remember not all master degree will double your pay so choose wisely.

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