Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Eight Career Success Standards and their definition

Workplace Relationship & Ethics - Being honest at work and building good relationships with co-workers, bosses, subordinates, and customers.

Interpersonal Skills - Being friendly, even to people you may not like.

Career & Personal Planning - Making and working towards personal and career/work goals.

Independent Living - Being able to live on your own, managing money, family, social life, your home, your career, and your job.

Information Management - Managing your paperwork and being able to use the computer.

Communication - Getting your points across and listening to others. 

Multi-Cultural Awareness - Honoring the existence of people different than you - in race, religion, country of origin, sexual orientation, etc. In other words, horning any and every one different than you.

Personal Growth & Development - Learning from our mistakes moving on in a forward direction; taking responsibility making positive changes.


Multicultural Awareness is the ability to understand and appreciate the history, life experiences and beliefs of diverse groups of people.

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