Monday, June 21, 2021


Grammarly is an online tool that allows you to correct your writing and help you improve it for free. All you have to do is upload or copy and paste your writing into Grammarly and let the software check all of your writing and punctuation and let it recommend you on how to correct your writing. This is one of the best tools you can use to improve your writing in your class. 

Click here to sign up for a free Grammarly account.


1. Click on I don't have an account.

2. Go through the signup process.

3. Select School and Continue

4. Continue moving through and answer all of the questions until you get to the screen that looks like below, and click on Continue to Grammarly.

5. You can go through the optional tour or just skip by clicking on Skip the tour.

6. From here you can create a new document by navigating to the button on the top left corner of your screen.

7. Navigate down to New document and select it.

8. From here you can copy and paste any of your writing into this space and Grammarly will check all of your grammar, spelling, and punctuation for you. Click on the word that is underlined in red to see recommendations on how to fix the error.


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